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The Clashplayed three shows at The Lyceum in London as a benefit forunder-privileged children in London’s East End. The dates were 28thand 29nd of December 1978 as well as on the 3rd of January 1979.This album features material from these shows. These charity showswere also taped as they wanted to capture some live punk rock forthe film Rude Boy (in the end, only I Fought The Law was used fromtheese shows). The Sort It Out Tour was a success and the band isreally at a peak here. However, the sound is not the steely rush ofsome of the earlier shows. Mick had begun to experiment witheffects pedals at this point and there’s a lot watery Phaser allover the place here. Probably the single best example of ‘78 Clash.At The Lyceum the band couldn’t really fail. It was a magic night,you could just feel it. The energy was really pouring out of theaudience, lifting the group and carrying them along. A gloriousshared experience between band and fans, as they tore through onegreat song after another. They finished the show with White Riot,the song they’ll never be able to leave behind – and nor shouldthey want to. As the spotlights hurtled across the expanses abovethe audience’s heads, and the kids collectively roared their lungsout – White riot, we warina riot – the night ended on note of totalexhilaration. The two December shows were possibly some of the bestgig Ithe Clash ever did and what a way to end1978.

1. Safe European Home
2. I Fought The Law-Crickets cover
3. Jail Guitar Doors
4. Drug-Stabbing Time
5. City Of The Dead
6. Clash City Rockers
7. Tommy Gun
8. (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais
9. English Civil War
10. Stay Free
11. Cheapskates
12. Julie’s Been Working For The Drug Squad
13. Police And Thieves-Junior Murvin cover
14. Capital Radio
15. Janie Jones
16. Garageland
17. Complete Control
18. London’s Burning

Condition cover: nm

Condition cd: nm

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M (mint)/NM (near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
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VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inom graderingsområdet

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The Clash -London 78 cd Digipak Classic Lyceum shows

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