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Still sealed digipak
Kansas City metallers Banshee was formed in the mid-80s by TommyLee Flood (vocals), Terry Dunn (guitar), Bill Westfall (bass) andKen Burnham (drums) and they operated in musical territorysomewhere between the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal bands andAmerican power-metal groups. The band released their Cry In TheNight EP themselves in August of 1986 and it gained enough buzz toget them signed to both Metal Blade and Roadrunner who bothre-released the EP in 1988. Metal Blade also promoted the band byputting the opening track on their Metal Massacre IX album the sameyear. Things loocked so bright for the band when they were offereda record deal with the major record company Atlantic Records butinstead it meant just "big label commercial pressure" and theirsecond album Race Against Time didnt live up to the sales figuresthe label wanted to bother about a metal band so the band weredropped and the band members started to go their separate ways.Msot of he members however were soon back together and keptrecording demos before releasing the album Take Em By Storm in1993, and the follow up, Mindslave, in 2012. By the time Mindslavewas released then the band were down to just guitarist Terry Duneas the original member and vocals were now handed by George Callwho had a bit gruffier voice then Tommy Lee Flood and the bandstarted to go in a heavier direction. This lead us to album numberfifth, The Madness, which probably is the heaviest album the bandhave done in their career. Opening up with Metal Morphosis,sounding like Judas Priest in 1991 and ending with a Black Sabbathcover that fits the concept and theme of the album so well. This isa much better album than I was expecting from Banshee after allthese years. I love this new direction. Thumbs up
Track list:
1. Metal Morphosis
2. Psychosis
3. Demons (In My Head)
4. The Madness
5. Cerebral
6. Ingrid (Ballad Of An Ex Wife)
7. Into The Breakdown
8. Dead Inside
9. Red Sails In The Sunset
10. Slippin Away-Black Sabbath cover
Condition cover: mint / still sealed
Condition cd:mint
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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
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