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Black vinyl 7”

PG Roxette’s Walking On Air is the second single from thhePop-Up Dynamo album release. Per explains: Walking On Air was thevery first song written for Pop-Up Dynamo. I got a request to writesomething for the Top Gun: Maverick-movie in the fall of 2019. So Iwrote WOA. It was actually made for a particular scene in the filmwhere someone was going to dance on a beach hence the lyrics oh I’msure you love to dance on the beach. However, the movie peopleinvolved didn’t use the song. Maybe they didn’t like it as much asI did? Or maybe they took away the scene? I don’t know. I haven’tseen Top Gun yet. So I kept it to myself and started writing morestuff in the same ’80s-’90s style that reminded me of Look Sharpand Joyride. That’s how the whole new PG Roxette album came about.It’s Helena and Dea combined that sing the lead vocals in thechoruses. Helena is the driving force but Dea is overdubbing herand also sings harmony vocals. And they share the wailing duties.They have such different styles which I love to work with. This isthe sound, combined with my own voice, that shines through thewhole new album. Together they create almost a third persona, it’shard to say who’s who. Walking On Air is keeping the Roxette soundalive. The classic and familiar Roxette ingredients of a smartproduction with great hooks and a don’t bore us, get to thechorus-attitude shine through the entire song. There are millionsof people out there who still love Roxette so of course I want tokeep our music relevant. At first, I wasn’t sure which way to gobut as time passed by it became clear that I want to continue thisfantastic joyride. I want to keep the legacy of Roxette alive, saysPer Gessle. And hey, there are two b-sides on the vinyl single. Oneis yet another litte ditty, Necessary, that won’t be on the album.The other is a remix of WOA made by Bridge and Mountain.

Track list:
1. Walking On Air
2. Necessary
3. Walking On Air-Bride And Mountain remix

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnaderinomgraderingsområdet

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PG Roxette -Walking on air 7" Gyllene Tider Per Gessle

SEK 125


MOTALA, Zweden



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