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Rare original pressing with printed innersleeve
Damnatory is a thrash act from Boras, Sweden. The band wasformed out of the ashes of Necromancy in early 1988. Necromanyrecorded a two track demo in January of 1986. The tracks on thedemo were Beyond The Gates and Black Metal, both might be familiartitles but it wasnt cover tunes and since the demo only were madein 3 copies its pretty rare that anyone has even heard these twotracks. The early line-up of Damnatory was made up by a bunch ofmetal friends from school. Damnatory with the line up of NicklasHolstensson (from Thy Primordial and Nominon to name a few) onvocals, Svenne Bjorklund on guitar, Argati Babis Tasiopoulos onguitar, Tobias Hall on bass and Kujtim Gashi on drums went into thestudio to record their first demo in 1989. Their first demo was a4-track demo that came with a pink inlay with the trackshandwritten on it. That first demo was only made in approx 10 to 15copies. Vocalist Nikke Holstensson remembers that each member tookone copy and then they made a handful extra that they gave away totheir closest friends. Some of the copies had one or two livetracks copied onto the same cassette but those tracks arentmentioned on the cover. I have seen a version with a cover ofSlayers Black Metal that was recorded at Norrby Fritisgard while mycopy has two other live tracks Sodoms Fall and Beyond Death,recorded live at a local music competition at Rockborgen in Boras.After the first demo the band went through some line-up changeswhen Niklas Holstenson, Svenne Bjorklund and Tobias Hall all had toleave and the band brought in Kim Salmi on bass and David Nowen onguitars. Vocals would from now on be performed by guitar playerArgati Babis Tasiopoulos. The new line-up of Damnatory went intothe local G.M.P. studios to record 3 new tracks for their seconddemo, Complicated Future, which was released in 1990. After thisstudio session the band thought it was time to record a full lengthalbum and they packed their bags and travelled to Denmark to trytheir luck. The result from that studio session was the selffinanced The Madness Never Ends LP that was released on the DanishBums Records in 1991. Only one track, Cemetary Of Life, hadsurvived from their first demo while Crown Of Thorns and Money werere-recorded from their second demo. The band folded soon after andthe drummer Kujtim Gashi would later resurface as a member of thepower metal act Crystal Eyes. The history of the band however didntend their as they reunited in 2012 when they recorded some newsongs (Barathrum, Also Spracth Saibol to name a few). The band alsoperformed a 25th anniversary gig in 2013.
Track listing:
1. Nailed To The Cross
2. War Without Sense
3. Money
4. Beyond And Back
5. Into My World Beyond
6. Cemetary Of Life
7. Lost In The Dark
8. Scars Within The Psyche
9. Infinity
10. Crown Of Thorns
Condition cover: nm
Condition vinyl: nm
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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
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