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First person shooter/action och skräck spel för PC och Windows datorer, baserad på filmen med samma namn.
Engelsk version av spelet, samt manual på Engelska.
Spel skivan och fodralet är i ny skick.
First person shooter/action and horror game for PC and Windows computers, the plot is based on the movie with the same name.
English version of the game, and manual in English.
The game disc is in like new condition.
Where the movie ended, the true terror begins...
In the frozen wastelands of Antarctica, a mysterious shape shifting alien life form has wiped out an American scientific outpost. You are Captain Blake the leader of a military rescue team sent to investigate the carnage. Trapped by the elements and infected by a horrific enemy, you must keep your squad together. Control their fear, gain their trust and you might survive.
Use awesome firepower like explosives and flamethrowers to torch your enemies
Control your squads emotions using innovative trust/fear tactics
Fight fear with psychological mind games to survive
Experience state-of-the-art environmental effects that create suspense and terror
Choose multiple paths to solve levels and accomplish goals
UPC: (streck kod - barcode) 33418542183575
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Intel Pentium II 450 MHz or better
600 MB Free hard disk space
Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP or later
DirectX™ 8 or later
3-D Graphics Card with 8 MB VRAM and DirectX 8 compatible
Sound Card 16-bit DirectX 8 compatible
4x CD ROM or DVD ROM drive
Gamepad or Joystick recommended
Keyboard and Mouse