
Vi skickar alltid med samfrakt & We always arranges combined shipping
Vår hanteringstid är 3 vardagar. Post transit tid (Europa) cirka 4-5 vardagar samt sortering och utdelning av postverket i mottagarlandet. Vi levererar till alla länder med samfrakt.
FRAKT PRISER - Sverige / Europa(EU länder)
60 SEK med spårningsnummer (Sverige)
142 SEK med spårningsnummer (EU länder) / utan spårningsnummer 80 SEK (EU länder)
FRAKT PRISER - Danmark - Norge - Finland
142 SEK med spårningsnummer (Danmark) / 80 SEK utan spårningsnummer (Danmark)
113 SEK med spårningsnummer (Norge) / 80 SEK utan spårningsnummer (Norge)
142 SEK med spårningsnummer (Finland) / 80 SEK utan spårningsnummer (Finland)
PORTUGAL SHIPPING PRICES - Enviar para Portugal / Shipping to Portugal
13 EURO including tracking number - Correio Registado
7.30 EURO excluding tracking number - Correio Normal
SHIPPING PRICES - Outside of Europe - USA
10.29 EURO including tracking number (USA and Canada)
7.30 EURO excluding tracking number (USA and Canada)
Delivery to countries outside of Europe is approx the same as to USA and Canada
DOOM 3 - PC CD ROM (Engelsk version)
Vi skickar alltid med samfrakt & We always arranges combined shipping
Action, shooter och survival spel för PC datorer.
Engelsk version av spelet - Engelsk text på spel fodralet.
Spel skivorna är i fint skick, skivorna har några små ytliga repor.
Action, shooter and survival horror game for PC computers.
English version of the game - English text on the game box cover.
The discs is in good condition with only a few small surface scratches.
Doom 3 is a survival horror first-person shooter video game developed by id Software and published by Activision. Doom 3 was released for Microsoft Windows on August 3, 2004.
The story of Doom 3 is conveyed through in-game dialogue and cut scenes, as well as e-mails, audio logs and video files found throughout the game. The game opens with UAC board member Elliott Swann and his bodyguard Jack Campbell arriving at Mars City, the main access to the UAC's Mars base, disembarking from an Earth transport, with the player's anonymous marine just behind them. Swann and Campbell, here to investigate multiple incidents, have a heated conference meeting with the man in charge of the Mars laboratories, Dr. Malcolm Betruger while the marine heads to Master Sergeant Thomas Kelly for orders.
Kelly gives the marine instructions to find a scientist from the Delta Labs who has gone missing.The marine finds the scientist in a nearby decommissioned communications facility, where he is frantically trying to send a warning to the UAC on Earth about Betruger's teleportation experiments. However, as he tries to explain the situation to the marine, another teleportation test takes place and loses containment, at which point the entire Mars base is swept with an unnatural shockwave.
This transforms most of the base's personnel into zombies as the forces of Hell invade through the teleporter's portal.
UPC: (streck kod - barcode) 5030917036064
Article number: 33011.202.SC
PC Computer Pentium 4 with 1,5 GHz or faster processor
384 MB RAM or more
2,6 GB hard disk space
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
DirectX 9.0b or later
3D Graphics Card with 64 MB VRAM or higher
Sound Card 16-bit DirectX compatible
Speakers or headphones
8x CD ROM or DVD ROM drive
Joystick or gamepad (optional)
Keyboard and Mouse
55 kr med spårningsnummer (inom Sverige)
Leverans utanför Europa kostar 105 kr med spårningsnummer
Kartong eller bubbelplast påse samt skyddsmaterial ingår i fraktpriserna.
55 SEK including tracking number (Inside of Sweden)
Delivery to countries outside of Europe is 105 SEK including tracking number
Box or padded envelope and protection material is included.