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Vår hanteringstid är 3 vardagar. Post transit tid (Europa) cirka 4-5 vardagar samt sortering och utdelning av postverket i mottagarlandet. Vi levererar till alla länder med samfrakt.
FRAKT PRISER - Sverige och Europa
45 kr utan spårningsnummer (Sverige och EU länder)
80 kr med spårningsnummer (Sverige och EU länder)
PORTUGAL SHIPPING PRICES - Enviar para Portugal / Domestic shipping Portugal
2.05 EURO excluding tracking number - Correio Normal
4.80 EURO including tracking number - Correio Registado
SHIPPING PRICES - European Union - UK - Norway - USA
4.10 EURO excluding tracking number (European Union including UK and Norway)
6.95 EURO including tracking number (European Union including UK and Norway)
Delivery to countries outside of Europe is 8.50 EURO including tracking number / 5.32 euro excluding tracking number
Delivery to USA is 9.20 EURO including tracking number / 6.20 EURO excluding tracking number
PREY- PC DVD ROM (Engelsk)
Shooter och action spel för PC och Windows datorer.
Engelsk version av spelet - Engelsk text på fodralet.
Spel skivan är i mycket skick - fodralet är i mycket fint skick.
Action and shooter game for PC and Windows computers.
English version of the game - English text on the game box and paper manual.
The game disc is in very good condition - game box is in very good condition.
Prey takes place in an alternate timeline where the Soviet Union encounters a species of eusocial aliens, called the Typhon, aboard one of their satellites, the Vorona 1. The Soviet Union works together with the United States to fight off and capture the aliens, unbeknownst to the general population. Together, they build the space station Kletka (Russian for "cell") to be used as a prison for the Typhon situated in orbit around the Moon. After a failed assassination attempt on United States President John F. Kennedy, the United States wrests full control of the Kletka satellite from the Soviet Union. Research of the Typhon continues under the name "Project Axiom". After the "Pobeg Incident" in 1980 where some scientists aboard the station lost their lives to the Typhon, the American government shutters Project Axiom, leaving the captive Typhon alive.
Intel Pentium 4 with 2.0 GHz or faster processor
1 GB RAM or more
2,2 GB Free Hard Disk Space
Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP
DirectX 11 or later
3D Graphics Card with 64 MB VRAM or higher
Sound Card 16-bit
DVD ROM drive
Speakers or headphones
Keyboard and Mouse