
Orange vinyl with pop-up gatefold cover. Limited 200 numberedcopies
Legendary, long-running heavy metallers Stryper released TheFinal Battle in October 2022. Firmly continuing the trendestablished over their last few albums, The Final Battle sees theband growing heavier while also maintaining their trademarkmelodies, virtuoso guitar playing, and air tight rhythms. The FinalBattle was crafted during the most challenging time of the band’scareer. While they suffered the same setbacks faced by all artistsduring the course of the global pandemic, the band also had tocontend with Oz Fox’s ongoing battle with brain tumors and forMichael Sweet, a detached retina which required multiple medicalprocedures, the use of an eye patch, and limited mobility forstretches of time. But rather than let the adversity get them down,the band accepted these challenges and channeled it into writingsome of the greatest songs of their storied career.
Track list:
1. Transgressor
2. See No Evil, Hear No Evil
3. Same Old Story
4. Heart And Soul
5. Near
6. Out, Up And In
7. Rise To The Call
8. The Way, The Truth, The Life
9. No Rest For Wicked
10. Till Death Do Us Part
11. Ashes To Ashes
Condition cover: nm
Condition vinyl: nm
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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
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G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
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