
Brown vinyl with pop up gatefold cover. Limited 699 numberedcopies

The most notorious black metal band of all times is back! By thepower of darkness and the might of black-hearted will no two Mayhemalbums have been or will be the same. Thus, the 2019 offeringDaemon is unto itself. Its not the next chapter but rather the nexttome in Mayhems authoritative oeuvre. Composed and decomposed withthe same line-up Necrobutcher (bass), Hellhammer (drums), AttilaCsihar (vocals), Teloch (guitars), and Ghul (guitars) that handledEsoteric Warfare and performed De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas in itsentirety over the last few years, Daemon also isnt a retrofit ofclassic songs like Freezing Moon, Pagan Fears, or Buried By TimeAnd Dust. Thats what the live album, De Mysteriis Dom SathanasAlive (2016), was for. Daemon is a chance for change, for new hellsto be envisioned and offered.

Track list:
1. The Dying False King
2. Agenda Ignis
3. Bad Blood
4. Malum
5. Falsified And Hated
6. Aeon Daemonium
7. Worthless Abomination Destroyed
8. Daemon Spawn
9. Of Worms And Ruins
10. Invoke The Oath

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnaderinomgraderingsområdet

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Mayhem -Daemon lp brown lp with pop up cover ltd 699 copies

450 kr


MOTALA, Sverige




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