Shape picture disc with inlay card. Limited 500 numberedcopies
That bass tone sounds like a rupturing volcano; Jens Becker is abeast. I mean, damn, I noticed it before the raging drum artilleryand the guitar shark-attack! You can hear the bass curling andspitting out pools of lava every second, giving the EP a dirty,merciless tone already. Production is just as clear and crisp asDeath Or Glory, and the drop in atmosphere isnt that great like itwas with the Little Big Horn EP for Blazon Stone. Wild Animal is acrazy track with a strong rhythm, particularly with the slicingriffs and that consistent drum battering. Rolf himself I canpicture running around Port Royal like a wolf in boots just jumpingaround feasting on people and pineapples. The original Chains AndLeather from Branded And Exiled kicks ass, but this isnt what Idcall a perfect re-recording. It seems very rushed compared to theoriginal, which is the saddest bit. Even if you havent heard theoriginal, this version seems way too fast for a mid-paced song.Rolf rushes through his lines, but the instruments just go alongwith it. Thanks to the beefed up production akin to Death Or Glory,the tone is incredibly majestic and grand, with riffs knocking downwalls and a solo like a dispatched firework. The song is the samelength as the original, but with this changed formula it sort ofdrags on. The lyrics are probably the coolest though. “We are rightpraying metal tonight the message from hell and its spell. EvenSatan wears leather, our souls to it forever so let us pray ourrules tonight” This album is worth getting primarily for this songalone. Tear Down the Walls- This song is pretty cool because itgoes slow then fast and then stays rather fast! The riff for thechorus is well structured; however the lyrics are kinda of lamewith this weird voice noise before the chorus. By the way thechorus goes Tear Down the Walls, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, etc.Overall all okay song, but not the best. Stortebeker- The lyricsfor this song are fucking awesome, and the riffs are awesome aswell. The riffs sound a lot like Iron Maiden (Killers) style, whilethe solo sounds a lot like Iron Maiden (Somewhere in Time) style.It is a pretty fast song to! This is another reason why this EP ispretty good. You cant top that wild solo! Its such a short epicabout a privateer who could kick ass with the best of them, and theriffs back him up!
Track list:
1. Wild Animal
2. Chains And Leather-1989 version
3. Tear Down The Walls
4. Stortebeker
Condition cover: nm
Condition vinyl: nm
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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
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