
2023 press on yellow vinyl. Limited 400 copies

Do you miss the feeling you had when you first heard The NumberOf The Beast or British Steel? The moment when you jumped on yourbed and shredded your air guitar like a maniac? When you took yourpen out of your school bag and drew your favourite band’s logo onyour jeans jacket? When you stood in front of the mirror and bangedyour head until you tumbled down? Well, a bunch of Swedish guyssure did, and not finding anything exciting with modern metal,decided to do something about it. Wolf began playing what some hadbeen calling retro-metal and in doing so, proved everybody wrongabout the term. Real Metal is not retro because it has always beenthere, sometimes deep in the underground, other times overhyped inthe press. Wolf, like other bands, have kept the spirit of theearly 80s alive, still sounding fresh today, mainly because itfucking kicks ass. Welcome to Legions Of Bastards, Wolfs sixthalbum. The follow-up to 2009’s Swedish Grammy nominated albumRavenous was produced by Pelle Saether at Studio Underground inVasteras, Sweden. It gets you right from the start with the furiousopener Vicious Companions followed by this year’s official headbanging anthem Skull Crusher. It’s Niklas Stalvind’s razor sharpvocals that burns the lyrics in your forehead like Glen Benton’sinverted cross. Johannes Axeman kicks in for a classic solo thatthen melts your face off. Stalvind and Axeman’s twin-lead doublepenetration is backed up by the pounding rhythm section of AndersModd (bass) and Richard Holmgren (drums) who already proved to bethe right team on the last album. Is there anything new to expecton ‘Legions Of Bastards’? Yes, new great songs. Anything else?Well, not really, but do you want Motorhead to change their style?Fuck, no! So this is still Wolf as we love it, the band didn’t evenchange their cover artist. It’s still Thomas Holm, the man who didthe legendary Mercyful Fate Melissa and Dont Break The Oath covers.Wolf: Legions of Bastards is the fruit of lots of hard work, sweatand blood. Our music has always come from the heart, but this oneseems to us even more honest and straight forward than any otheralbum we’ve made. We’re not afraid to say that this is a greatalbum. If you love it, like we do, raise the horns and bang yourhead! If you don’t – we don’t care. We’d still be banging ourheads!’ Now grab a beer, turn the volume to 11 and join the LegionsOf Bastards on their road to hell.

Track list:
1. Vicious Companions
2. Skull Crusher
3. Full Moon Possession
4. Jekyll And Hyde
5. Absinthe
6. False Preacher
7. Tales From The Crypt
8. Nocturnal Rites
9. Road To Hell
10. Hope To Die
11. K-141 Kursk

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnaderinomgraderingsområdet

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Wolf -Legions of bastards lp yellow vinyl ltd 400 copies

350 kr


MOTALA, Sverige




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