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Science Fiction D-F, Skönlitteratur
96 annonser
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Rymdkulan av T.A. Engström, 1957
30 jan 16:19
80 kr
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100 kr
Isaac Asimov: Foundation-serien (4 böcker)
31 jan 14:55
99 kr
1 bud
The Minority Report och andra klassiska noveller - Philip K. Dick
5 feb 19:09
130 kr
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190 kr
Philip Jose Farmer TRAITOR TO THE LIVING. ( Panther Granada 1978 )
2 feb 21:21
50 kr
0 bud
Doctor Who: The Shooting Scripts - manus
28 jan 15:28
120 kr
0 bud
Tidsskredet av Philip K. Dick (Tryckår 1979)
27 jan 22:22
80 kr
0 bud
Elite: Lave Revolution - Allen Stroud
26 jan 18:17
59 kr
0 bud
De överlevande - Samling av 15 böcker
19 feb 11:07
350 kr
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Fahrenheit 451 av Ray Bradbury
1 feb 17:27
170 kr
0 bud
The Heritage Trilogy: Semper Mars, Luna Marine, Europa Strike av Ian Douglas
25 jan 20:19
79 kr
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129 kr
Dreams Underfoot
13 feb 11:40
109 kr
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Zonen vi ärvde - fruktan - mutant år noll
26 jan 19:13
199 kr
0 bud
The Complete Guide to Middle Earth by Robert Foster Guide to J R R Tolkiens fant
25 jan 02:37
250 kr
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545 kr
Anne McCaffrey - The Death of Sleep (Sci-Fi)
85 kr
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Rymdens fångar: I robotarnas våld av Terrance Dicks
1 feb 17:58
30 kr
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1 feb 13:36
195 kr
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Homo Divisus Roman Konrad Fialkowski Delta Science Fiction Bok
160 kr
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Homo Divisus Roman Konrad Fialkowski Delta Science Fiction Bok
160 kr
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Legion of the damned - William C. Dietz - 1st edition ACE 1993 - NY - SCI-FI
31 jan 10:39
59 kr
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Space 3 redigerad av Richard Davis
27 jan 20:40
200 kr
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Philip José Farmer - Flodvärlden Den sagolika flodbåten | BOK | Science Fiction
289 kr
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Greg Egan - Diaspora
50 kr
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Ensamma Vargens Värld 1 Silverstjärnas Ankomst av Joe Dever, Ian Page
235 kr
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Predator & Prey 3 Werewolf by Gherbod Flemming, bok, Very Good
145 kr
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Drakar & Demoner 8 Willow av Wayland Drew, bok, Very good plus
235 kr
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Science fiction-böcker Kosmos : Framtid i skräck (pocket) Bok
59 kr
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48 kr
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Motursvärlden av Philip K. Dick
159 kr
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William C. Dietz - Andromeda's War
50 kr
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Ian Douglas - Center of Gravity: Star Carrier: Book Two
50 kr
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År 2001 - En rymdodyssé av Arthur C. Clarke (inb) 1970 Toppex.
249 kr
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Blade Runner - Philip K Dick
190 kr
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The Kill Order - James Dashner - The Prequel to The Maze Runner
25 kr
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The Privateer - Volume 2 of The Flight Engineer - James Doohan, S.M. Stirling
169 kr
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James Dashner - Scorch Trials, Death Cure, The Kill Order - Maze runner
109 kr
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C. S. Friedman - In Conquest Born
50 kr
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David Drake - The Military Dimension Mark II
60 kr
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William C. Dietz - Freehold
60 kr
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David Drake - All the Way to the Gallows
50 kr
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E.C Tubb - Derai: The Dumarest Saga (Sci-Fi)
80 kr
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Jesper Danielsson - Vandraren
60 kr
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Greg Egan - Zendegi
60 kr
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Emily Diamand - Piraternas skatt
50 kr
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Emily Diamand - Piraternas fånge
50 kr
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Cryptozoology - anthology
350 kr
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Andrej Djakov: Resan till mörkret - 1:a upplagan!
105 kr
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20 kr
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Resan till mörkret av Andrej Djakov
129 kr
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Fri frakt
Second Game , Charles De Vet & Katherine MacLean . Daw books , 1981
70 kr
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City of thousand suns , samuel r. delany , Sphere Science Fiction , 1969
70 kr
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Andra Thomas Covenant-krönikan del 3: Vita guldets herre av Stephen R. Donaldson
39 kr
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Stella av Camille Flammarion (Klassiker-Sci-fi)
119 kr
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Michael Frayn: Det blir en gång - 1:a upplagan!
65 kr
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Skannad i dunklet av Philip K. Dick (Bakhåll)
139 kr
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Target by Janet Morris and David Drake. bok, pocket
45 kr
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Avaruuden panttivangit av Nicholas Fisk (Tiikeri-sarjan nr 3, finska, Finnish)
79 kr
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The fabulous riverboat by Philip Jose Farmer. bok, pocket. Good
45 kr
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The end of the matter by Alan Dean Foster. bok, pocket
15 kr
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Walkaway av Cory Doctorow (storpocket på engelska)
89 kr
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Det svarta hålet av Alan Dean Foster
49 kr
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Alan Dean Foster / (John Carpenter's) STARMAN / Kartonnage
65 kr
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Ur led är tiden - Philip K. Dick
189 kr
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A Private Cosmos (World of Tiers #3) by Philip José Farmer. bok, pocket Very G
45 kr
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Two hawks from earth by Philip Jose Farmer. bok, pocket Very Good plus
75 kr
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The forever man by Gordon R. Dickson. Very Good plus
45 kr
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Starquake by Robert L. Forward. bok, pocket. Good plus
45 kr
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The Galaxy Primes by E.E. "Doc" Smith. bok, pocket. Lässkick
15 kr
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The dark design by Philip Jose Farmer. bok, pocket. Good plus
155 kr
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In Conquest Born by C. S. Friedman. bok, pocket. Very Good
85 kr
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Prince of the blood by Raymond E. Feist. bok, pocket. Very Good plus
30 kr
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Cross the stars by David Drake. bok, pocket. lässkick
30 kr
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Wolfling by Gordon R. Dickson. bok, inbunden Very Fine
85 kr
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