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Double album on moon style glow in dark colors with gatefoldcover. The album is performed in English. Limited 500 copies

Certainly, fans and critics will have their different opinion onwhich Opeth albums that are their best but few records in theSwedes oeuvre are as engaging, delicate, panoramic, intense, andmusical as their lucky thirteenth album, In Cauda Venenum. Sportinga clever Travis Smith cover – replete with inside jokes and a nodto King Diamond – a masterful Park Studios production, Opeths usualfive-star musicianship, and lyrics entirely in Swedish, In CaudaVenenum raises the bar markedly. While a record in Swedish is afirst—there’s also an English version—for frontman and foundingmember Mikael Åkerfeldt, the 10 songs on offer feel and soundcompletely natural. As if years of listening to and being a fan ofSwedish rock and hard rock has paid off. In a way, Opeth have comehome. But the Swedish lyrics of the primary edition of In CaudaVenenum shouldn’t distract from the quality presented in Opethssongs, the lot of which sneak up and take control after repeatedlistens. In Cauda Venenum is like that, tricky in its complicatedsimplicity, resourceful in its ability to charm with delightful ifwistful melodies. Really, it’s just Opeth being Opeht.

Track list:
1. Garden Of Earthly Delights
2. Dignity
3. Heart In Hand
4. Next Of Kin
5. Lovelorn Crime
6. Charlatan
7. Universal Truth
8. The Garroter
9. Continuum
10. All Things Will Pass

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnaderinomgraderingsområdet

Item nr. 615 497 917

Aantal keer bekeken 481

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Opeth -In cauda venenum dlp glow in the dark vinyl English v

SEK 750


MOTALA, Zweden



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