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2023 press. Double album on black vinyls with gatefold cover andslipmat
After the nebulous void that was Entombed in 1994-1999, it wastime for a swift boot to the ass, an album to kick start the bandback towards the positive, creative direction they were beginningto unravel with their third album Wolverine Blues, and though it’shardly perfect, Uprising was such an event. For all intensivepurposes, this should have been the album they released in place ofTo Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth in 1997, an effort thatboth capitalizes on the band’s rock n roll evolution and hands outa spanking on almost every track, while conscious that this, afterall, a metal band, not some dull ass alternative stoner rock affairthat lost its soul in all the miasma of the misdirected 90s. Thetone is actually not all that different from their official fourthalbum To Ride…, it has the same dirty punk rock lustre, only thistime the energy of their youth is in fine form, and the band offers43 minutes of driving punishment that is worthy of cruising (orspeeding) around in your car, hunting for cheap liquor or suicide.The simple aesthetic of the cover seems almost profound, the iconof a band who wishes to strip away all the mistakes and mediocrityof their downturn and get back to basics, what truly matters: therock. And as the jangling guitars herald the epoch of Seeing Red,you can instantly hear a re-invigoration which reaches down deepinto the testicles and summons forth all the anger and reproachthat characterized Left Hand Path, dowsed in a more primal coatingof the band’s punk rock influence. There are no amazing riffs here,in fact it’s a pretty simple tune, but it’s compelling enough toget the dry tongue once again salivating for what might come next,and that’s the forceful rocker Say It In Slugs, which honors itskiller title with a confident mid pace that reeks of a recent fistfucking (your choice of orifice). Won’t Back Down is a littlebrighter and groovier, but follows a pretty similar pattern, with anice bass injection into raucous hardcore punk. Again, no riffshere that you’ll freak out over, but it doesn’t require them, its amindless deposit of energy waiting to piggyback your ride from ahighway pit stop. Insanity’s Contagious is a darker trip to thebottom of the bottle, its Neanderthal riffing loud and proud whileL-G Petrov splatters his gut-wrenching meditations across thebackside of the guitars. With 12 tracks of general good quality andlowdown, dirty attitude, Uprising is a huge improvement over itsdirect predecessor, Same Difference. This is the album Entombedneeded to put out at this point in their career, and though its notthe stuff of which a Left Hand Path or Clandestine was born, it’san acceptable expression of the band’s many influences. The lyricsaren’t very good, but they do represent the personal, blue collaraesthetic the band was touting. Very few of the tracks wouldqualify if I were to assemble a best of Entombed mix, but they areconsistent and the record is a blast to listen straight through ona sunny, dusty weekend road trip. It’s also an early indicator ofthe band’s gradual return to their roots, but this is betterexemplified by the follow-up, Morning Star.
Track listing:
1. Seeing Red
2. Say It In Slugs
3. Won’t Back Down
4. Insanity’s Contagious
5. Something Out Of Nothing
6. Scottish Hell
7. Time Out
8. The Itch
9. Year In, Year Out
10. Returning To Madness
11. Come Clean
12. In The Flesh
Condition cover: nm
Condition vinyl: nm
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