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2022 press on ocean blue vinyl with gatefold cover. Limited 300copies

Despite years of making above average heavy metal in theunderground, Entombed never had a chance to break into themainstream. This most likely reflects on their death metal past,which provided excellent but decidedly uncommercial music. Timewill tell, but Morning Star will hopefully be ranked with Slayer’sReign in Blood, Sepultura’s Chaos A.D., and Pantera’s VulgarDisplay of Power as some of the finest thrash metal ever made.Vocalist L.G. Petrov really comes into his own on this album; hisvicious roar has never sounded as clear and focused as it doeshere. And chief songwriters Uffe Cederlund and Jorgen Sandstrom cutaway the excess fat and created some truly memorable riffs andlyrics. “Chief Rebel Angel” comes flying out of the gates with amountain of guitars and a raging Petrov railing against God andpraising Lucifer like no one has since Deicide’s first album.“Bringer of Light” is a thick, heavy number that shows off the twinguitar assault of Uffe Cederlund and Alex Hellid. “Year One Now”provides a truly classic metal moment as Petrov shrieks, “Kill!Kill! Kill! Die! Die! Die!” with a passion that is rarely displayedin this genre. And the awesome “Mental Twin” closes the album likeGodzilla stomping through Tokyo; the deliberate pace and incredibleguitar work brings this closer to Black Sabbath territory than theyever have ventured before. The best part of the whole affair isthere is not a single boring (or even average) track on the wholealbum, and Petrov’s show-stealing performance really does make thisa fantastic death metal album. The band also maintains their highstandard of lyric-writing; they may sing about Satan, but they donot take the lame-brained approach of their contemporaries.Entombed really stepped up to the plate; few metal bands cansurvive longer than ten years and still make excellent albums.Hardcore death metal fans may not always enjoy Entombed’s approachto the genre, but this is the true successor to 1994’s fan-friendlyWolverine Blues. Any fan of quality underground metal should findthis to be a superb effort from an underrated band.

Track listing:
1. Chief Rebel Angel
2. I For An Eye
3. Bringer Of Light
4. Ensemble Of The Restless
5. Out Of Heaven
6. Young Man Nihilist
7. Year One Now
8. Fractures
9. When It Hits Home
10. City Of Ghosts
11. About To Die
12. Mental Twin

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnaderinomgraderingsområdet

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Entombed -Morning star lp UK only blue vinyl ltd 300 copies

SEK 350


MOTALA, Zweden



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