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Double album on red, white and blue splatter vinyls withgatefold cover. Limited 500 copies

Keep the flag of hate flying high: Thrash legionaries Kreatorhave just closed the most successful cycle of their entire career.For a band entering its 38th year, that´s outright remarkable.Above all else, though, it´s rare. Bloody rare. The hunger, thefury, the lust for noise - everyone who came out to see Kreatorlive since they released their thundering Gods Of Violence knowsabout the Thrash apocalypse Mille and his crew brought upon stagesaround the globe. It´s only coherent to end this historic cyclewith an equally fierce live release. Enter London Apocalypticon -Live At The Roundhouse, capturing the demolition-hammer-like showat London´s revered The Roundhouse on December 16th, 2018 - as raw,as loud, as infernally direct as only a Kreator show can be. It´sno coincidence that the band picked London as the epicentre oftheir furious new live release. There, on the shores of the Thames,did their bring their triumphant march of Gods Of Violence to agrand finale after more than 150 shows on five continents. Fromearly thrash classics like Pleasure To Kill and People Of The Lieto the more contemporary burners like Enemy Of God and Satan IsReal, this is the best ever Kreator live release

Track list:
1. Choir Of The Damned
2. Enemy Of God
3. Hail To The Hordes
4. Awakening Of The Gods
5. People Of The Lie
6. Gods Of Violence
7. Satan Is Real
8. Mars Mantra
9. Phantom Antichrist
10. Fallen Brother
11. Flag Of Hate
12. Phobia
13. Hordes Of Chaos
14. The Patriarch
15. Violent Revolution
16. Pleasure To Kill
17. Apocalypticon

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inomgraderingsområdet

Item nr. 602 523 926

Aantal keer bekeken 329

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Kreator -London apocalypticon DLP red/white/blue vin ltd 500

SEK 375


MOTALA, Zweden



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