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2019 re-issue on splatter vinyls with gatefold cover

Although Cathedral have long been treated as a fireproofdoom/stoner institution, the God´s honest truth is that, followingthose first few, legend-building albums, most of their subsequentreleases have contained no more than two or three great songssurrounded by copious amounts of filler. And no, this isn´t abouttaking the band for granted either — just admitting a cold hardtruth that´s made all the more evident by 2005´s still flawed butappreciably improved The Garden of Unearthly Delights. If only onecould affirm that it was an unconditional return totop-of-the-line, energetic British doom. Starting with itsback-to-basics cover art created by longtime artist David Patchett(featuring a suitably disturbing and baroque gothic collage),Cathedral´s eighth full album does issue early warnings of acomeback, thanks to the mighty-riffed "Tree of Life & Death,"the astonishingly melodic (and cleverly titled) "Corpsecycle," andGaz Jennings´ overpowering six-string tour de force, "Oro theManslayer." "North Berwick Witch Trials" would have also meritedinclusion in this positive balance, were it not for its clear andunapologetic recycling of The Carnival Bizarre´s ancient classic,"Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)"; and the best that one can sayabout lesser lights such as "Fields of Zagara" (a short acousticinterlude) and "Beneath a Funeral Sun" (marked by creepy children´schoirs) is that they are, at the very least, interesting in theirweirdness. But if there´s one damning complaint about The Garden ofUnearthly Delights, it´s aimed at the chaotic, 27-minute (you readright, 27!) semi-title cut, "The Garden," whereupon Cathedralproceed to sift through a bottomless grab bag of often wonderfullypromising ideas, only to jam them together in unexpected and mostlyill-advised configurations, and then, worse of all, abandon manyinfuriatingly under-explored. For a band that´s battled issues ofconsistency for years on end, such haphazard wastefulness(imaginative, daring, and eclectic to be sure, but stillpredominantly wasteful) simply won´t do. All of which makes thisalbum a better than average Cathedral outing — just inspired andquirky enough to keep you interested, just uneven enough to pissyou off.

Track listing:
1. Dearth AD 2005
2. Tree Of Life And Death
3. North Berwick Witch Trials
4. Upon Azrael´s Wings
5. Corpsecycle
6. Fields Of Zagara
7. Oro The Manslayer
8. Beneath A Funeral Sun
9. The Garden-part 1
10. The Garden-part 2

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inomgraderingsområdet

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Cathedral -The garden of unearthly delights dlp splatter vin

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