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2019 release on cool grey marbled vinyl with insert and poster.Limited 200 numbered copies

Having survived their turbulent one-album stint with journeymanvocalist Tomas Lindberg (ex-At the Gates), Swede speedsters theCrown reunited with original howler Johan Lindstrand and got downto (sort of) serious business for their sixth album, Possessed 13.Instantly noticeable is the record´s production, courtesy of StudioFredman: a nice, thick, full-bodied lager designed to be sluggeddown in big gulps, resulting in maximum death/thrash drunkenness.That´s one improvement the group has made over past releases, thesecond being its increasingly smart songwriting ethic, maintainingrelatively hectic arrangements and lickety-split tempos withoutfalling face-first into a mudhole of empty exercises inmusicianship. "Are You Morbid?" is a not-too-subtle nod to CelticFrost in title only, forgoing the classic band´s trademark sludgeriffs for a speedy romp outdoing death & roll-era Entombed atits own game; also notable are the creeping death-trudge ofinstrumental "Dream Bloody Hell," the smart, midtempo hooks of "Bowto None," and "Morningstar Rising," which deftly trades betweenrattling blastbeats and double-time thrash polkas. Even better, theCrown seem to possess a sense of humor and self-awarenesstranslating to the cover art, which recalls the poster of an oldB-grade horror flick, and is further fueled by borderline-silly butfun tracks "Zombiefied!," old-school Metallica-style barnburner"Kill `Em All" (which goes so far as to blatantly rip off thelegendary double-bass break of Slayer´s "Angel of Death"), and"Face of Destruction — Deep Hit of Death," all of which playfullytoy with clichés, tongues slightly in cheek (see also: BabylonWhores, Children of Bodom). Possessed 13 is a solid effortsometimes dipping into the exceptional, and while the group seemsto constantly remind one of its (obvious) influences, it stilldoesn´t detract from this album´s entertainment value.

Track list:
1. No Tomorrow
2. Face Of Destruction / Deep Hit Of Death
3. Deliverance
4. Cold Is The Grave
5. Dream Bloody Hell
6. Morningstar Rising
7. Are You Morbid?
8. Bow To None
9. Kill `Em All
10. Natashead Overdrive
11. Zombiefied
12. Dawn Of Emptiness
13. In Memoriam

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inomgraderingsområdet

Item nr. 441 841 377

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The Crown -Possessed 13 DLP grey Ltd 200 numbered copies

SEK 199


MOTALA, Zweden



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