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Crystal Eyes fourth full-length album,Confessions Of The Maker, produced by Andy LaRoque was released in2005. For this release they recruited Daniel Heiman (ex-LostHorizon) to do the lead vocals because Mikael decided that it wastime for a change rather than him doing all the lead vocals. Thiswas one of the biggest selling points for this album as DanielHeiman had done some stellar performance with Lost Horizon. Thevocal lines here are quite different from the kind of stuff he sangwith Lost Horizon, but there are some great melodies here, and hepowers out the lines of opening stomper "The Charioteer", thepower-ballad title cut, and the speedy killer "Northern Rage" withthe swagger and balls we expect from him. His vocal work here isfar less showy than on either of Lost Horizon´s albums, but no lesswell-done for all that. The rest of the band is good as usualespecially the inventive and tasty riffing Mikael Dahl and JonathanNyberg. This is all very much in the Swedish Power Metal school,with that sharp, bright guitar tone and the highly melodic riffs,but it is very well written and played. Old singer Dahl evenprovides the vocals on the album closer, the ballad "Silent Angel".The album overall has been very well produced, and soundsfantastic. If you are expecting some kind of continuation of LostHorizon here, you are going to be disappointed. But if you wantsome catchy, hooky Swedish Power Metal in the vein of CryonicTemple or Hammerfall, then this is an album not to miss.
Track listing:
1. The Charioteer
2. Confessions Of The Maker
3. Northern Rage
4. The Fools´ Ballet
5. The Terror
6. Panic
7. White Wolves
8. The Burning Vision
9. Revolution In The Shadowland
10. Terminal Voyage
11. Silent Angel
Condition cover: nm
Condition cd: nm
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M (mint)/NM (near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inom graderingsområdet