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Containing members of various metalcore, crossover, and thrashacts as Stampin Ground, Anihilated, and Murder One among others -Sun Of The Endless Night come together to keep the pulse of UKthrash on point for Symbols Of Hate And Deceitful Faith.Considering these are turbulent times once again on a political andsocial level for most of the world, the quintet choose to spitvenom at organized religion and mass media who seem content tomanipulate the weak-minded instead of allowing individuals to formtheir own thoughts and assess situations with critical thinking. Asthese eight songs whirl through your brain space, you´ll processmaterial that has a lot of twin melodic textures wrapped around asonic assault that has the menace and tenacity of Onslaught, DarkAngel, and Vio-lence among others. Intertwining the blitzkrieg ofrhythms and solid jackhammer tempos with segments of narrativethemes and sound clips that go hand in hand with the content, SunOf The Endless Night progress naturally to a potent brand of thrashthat was part of that second wave - taking the musicianship skillup a few notches while not sacrificing the angst and punk-fueledaesthetics that make the style perfect for stage diving and pitchurning proclivities. Keeping the proceedings at a very economical34-minutes and change, Symbols Of Hate And Deceitful Faith shouldput Sun Of The Endless Night on the map as proof that the thrashrevival has a permanent place in metal´s importance - and won´t befading into the background anytime soon.

Track list:
1. When Hell Exhales
2. Duality Of Man
3. Like Wolves In Winter
4. Where Is Your God
5. Knee Deep In Devils
6. Altar Of Depravation
7. Are We The Dead
8. The Hate Of Things To Come

Condition cover: mint / still sealed

Condition cd:mint

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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inomgraderingsområdet

Item nr. 408 737 497

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Sun of the endless night -Symbols of hate and deceitful CD

SEK 39


MOTALA, Zweden



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