
New Original Adventure: Live the life of a Leaf Ninja as an original story unfolds leaving the fate of the ninja clans in your hands. Unravel the mystery of the Shirogane Clan and their nefarious army of puppet walkers. Explore the intriguing locations from the world of Naruto beautifully rendered in 3D anime-style Multiple Playable Characters: Choose your favourite ninja, including Naruto, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Kakashi, Guy, Neji, Choji, and more, to complete story-driven missions and intense challenges. Multiplayer Battle: During the game, a second player is able to join in on the action for a simultaneous two-player adventure! Want to prove your skills? Fight head-to-head with a friend and battle it out to see whos got the greatest ninja skill. Character Customisation: Prove yourself in battle and earn money to create the ultimate warrior using Chips and Plates that can customise your characters speed, strength, stamina and even special moves. Lethal Attacks and Weapons: Harness the power of Rasengan, Lightning Blade, Sand Coffin, and other moves, straight from the series! Face off against multiple enemies using either close combat or long-range weapons, including over 30 attack items that will give you the upper hand in battle. Multiple Modes of Play: Play alone or with a friend in Story Mode where you can traverse a lush, 3D anime-style world in which Naruto and his friends work together to deter the evil threat. Or, battle it out in Head-to-Head Mode where only the best ninja survive. Want to gain even more experience and training? Try Mission Mode to take on a series of challenging side missions or Survival Mode to test your skills against an onslaught of powerful enemies. Hone your skills to become the ultimate warrior and unlock a secret chapter of the story.

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