
2.4 inch TFT LCD Screen Display for MCU Parallel Port,for ILI9341 ST7789V Standard 37PIN with Touch Color LCD (Size : Welding, Color : For ILI9341 with Touch)
Dot Matrix: 240*320
Driver IC: for ST7789/ILI9341
Interface: for MCU8080 37PIN
PIN YARAK Khaki: 0.8mm (welding) / 0.5mm (patch)

Ice Cream Panel: HSD2.4 inch
Resolution : 240 X RGB X 320
Driver chip: for ST7789V/ILI9341
Interface : MCU8080 37PIN (8-bit / 16-bit compatible)
PIN PIN SPACE: 0.8mm (welding) / 0.5mm (patch)
Dimension: 108.2×60.26X2.55mm(without touch) 1072×60.26X83.4mm(With touch)
Display size: 36.72(W) × 48.96(L) mm
Backlight type: LED*4 Current: 60mA
Operating voltage: VDDI=VCI=2.8V~3.3V
Total Power Consumption: 0.22W
Operating Temperature: -20?~+70?
Storage temperature: 30?~+80?
Viewing angle: 12:00 o' clock (wide viewing angle display)
Touch: With touch/without touch
Connection type: solder type/Plug-in type

Pin No., Pin Name, Function Description
1, DBO, LCD data signal line
2, DB1, LCD Data Signal Line
3, DB2, LCD Data Signal Line
4, DB3, LCD Data Signal Line
5, GND, Ground
6, VDDI, I/O port voltage (+2.8V~+3.3V)
7, CSX, chip select signal, active low
8, DCX, command/data selection terminal, L: command, H: data
9, WRX, LCD write control
10, RDX, LCD Read Control
11, NC, Overhead
12, , , touch screen signal line
13, Y-, touch screen signal line
14, X+, touch screen signal line
15, Y+, touch screen signal line
16, LEDA, Backlight LED Positive
17, LEDK1, Backlight LED Negative
18 LEDK2, Backlight LED Negative
19 LEDK3, Backlight LED Negative
20 LEDK4, Backlight LED Negative
21. NC/FMARK, Overhang
22, DB4, LCD Data Signal Line
23, DB8, LCD Data Signal Line
24, DB9, LCD Data Signal Line
25, DB10, LCD Data Signal Line
26 DB11 LCD Data Signal Line
27, DB12, LCD data signal line
28 DB13, LCD Data Signal Line
29, DB14, LCD Data Signal Line
30, DB15, LCD data signal line
31, RESX, reset signal line
32, VCI, Analog Circuit Power Supply (+2.8V ~ +3.3V)
33, VDDI, I/O port voltage (+2.8V~+3.3V)
34, GND, Ground
35, DB5, LCD data signal line
36, DB6, LCD Data Signal Line
37, DB7, LCD

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