
King Lear is a 1971 British film adaptation of the Shakespeare play directed by Peter Brook and starring Paul Scofield.[1] Filmed in stark black-and-white, the film was inspired by the absurdist theatre of playwrights such as Samuel Beckett and upon release was noted for its bleak tone and wintry atmosphere.[2]


  • Cyril Cusack as Albany
  • Susan Engel as Regan
  • Tom Fleming as Kent
  • Anne-Lise Gabold as Cordelia


Brook's film starkly divided the critics: Pauline Kael said "I didn't just dislike this production, I hated it!" and suggested the alternative title "Night of the Living Dead".[3] Yet Robert Hatch in The Nation thought it as "excellent a filming of the play as one can expect" and Vincent Canby in The New York Times called it "an exalting Lear, full of exquisite terror".[4]The film drew heavily on the ideas of Jan Kott, in particular his observation that King Lear was the precursor of absurdist theatre: in particular, the film has parallels with Beckett's Endgame.[5]

Critics who dislike the film particularly draw attention to its bleak nature from its opening: complaining that the world of the play does not deteriorate with Lear's suffering, but commences dark, colourless and wintry, leaving (in Douglas Brode's words) "Lear, the land, and us with nowhere to go".[6] Cruelty pervades the film, which does not distinguish between the violence of ostensibly good and evil characters, presenting both as savagery.[7] Paul Scofield, as Lear, eschews sentimentality: this demanding old man with a coterie of unruly knights provokes audience sympathy for the daughters in the early scenes, and his presentation explicitly rejects the tradition (as Daniel Rosenthal describes it) of playing Lear as "poor old white-haired patriarch".[8]

Directed byPeter Brook
Produced byMichael Birkett - Mogens Skot-Hansen
Written byPeter Brook
William Shakespeare

StarringPaul Scofield
CinematographyHenning Kristiansen
Edited byKasper Schyberg

Production company

Royal Shakespeare Company


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