
Översatt av

Ultra Maniac er en japansk mangaserie af Wataru Yoshizumi. Serien følger Nana, en pige, der er forelsket i sin bedste ven, men hendes følelser bliver komplicerede, da hun møder en mystisk dreng, der hævder at være en troldmand. Serien er fyldt med humor, romantik og magi.

Fantasies and miracles never interested Ayu Tateishi, a popular second-year middle school student. She was content with preserving her image of being cool, calm, and collected—all to catch the eye of her crush, Tetsushi Kaji. Ayu's carefree days are interrupted by the appearance of Nina Sakura, a new transfer student who turns out to be a witch. Nina, who left home after failing an exam at her school in the Magic Kingdom, quickly latches onto Ayu and becomes her best friend.

Unfortunately, Nina's ineptitude with magic and her habit of meddling in Ayu's personal life cause nothing but trouble for the two of them as Ayu toils to maintain her good reputation and Nina struggles to hide her secret from the discerning eye of Hiroki Tsujiai, Tetsushi's best friend and an avid fan of manga. And when Nina's presence attracts more people from the Magic Kingdom, Ayu is dragged into a world she never even dreamed possible.

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