
Nypris 1439 KR

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Full Description

Packs a Punch
The DR-30 has a warm balanced sound, generated from the 10" woofer and 3" tweeter, without colouring the sound. This is a full range amplifier, effective when used with electronic drum kits that need the extra high and low frequencies, as well as an excellent choice for synths, stage pianos and even acoustic guitars.

Total Control Over Tone and Effects
The great quality 2 band EQ allows you to tailor your sound, meaning you can adapt the treble and bass to affect the volume and tone of the amplifier to suit your style. As well as this, the DR-30 also features a send and return, which means you can externally manipulate effects, giving you total control of your sound through the amplifier.

Reliable & Well Built
The DR-30 features an angled cabinet, with a high-quality grille and durable casing to save it from any knocks during transportation; great for taking to and from gigs.

Power Output: 30W RMS 1.0 THD into 8 Ohms
Speaker: 10" Woofer 3" Tweeter
Inputs: E-Drums, Line
Controls: 2 x Volume (one for each input), LOW, HIGH, Return level, Send Level, On/Off
Input Sensitivity: Normal 80mV, F = 1Khz.
Noise: -50dB (Gain Max)
Dimensions: 390mm (W) x 360mm (H) x 400mm (D) (15.3" x 14.1" x 15.7")
Weight: 15kg

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