
Vi skickar alltid med samfrakt & We always arranges combined shipping

Vår hanteringstid är 3 vardagar. Post transit tid (Europa) cirka 4-5 vardagar samt sortering och utdelning av postverket i mottagarlandet. Vi levererar till alla länder med samfrakt.

FRAKT PRISER - Sverige och Europa

45 kr utan spårningsnummer (Sverige och EU länder)

80 kr med spårningsnummer (Sverige och EU länder)

PORTUGAL SHIPPING PRICES - Enviar para Portugal / Domestic shipping Portugal

2.05 EURO excluding tracking number - Correio Normal

4.80 EURO including tracking number - Correio Registado

SHIPPING PRICES - European Union - UK - Norway - USA

4.10 EURO excluding tracking number (European Union including UK and Norway)

6.95 EURO including tracking number (European Union including UK and Norway)

Delivery to countries outside of Europe is 8.50 EURO including tracking number / 5.32 euro excluding tracking number

Delivery to USA is 9.20 EURO including tracking number / 6.20 EURO excluding tracking number


Vi skickar alltid med samfrakt & We always arranges combined shipping

Spel för PC och Windows datorer.

Engelsk version - 3 st CD ROM skivor.

CD ROM skivorna är i fint skick, spel fodralet saknas.

Game for PC and Windows computers.

English version - 3 CD ROM discs.

The game discs is in good condition, the game CD jewel or DVD size case is missing.


UPC: (streck kod - barcode) N/A

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin is a real-time tactics video game, the third installment of the Commandos series. It is developed by Pyro Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. The game is the first in the series to use a true 3D engine, and the last to use real-time tactics before being converted to a first-person shooter genre.


The tutorial begins with Jack O'Hara clearing out a bunker, Sir Francis T. Woolridge killing a few German soldiers with his sniper rifle and Thomas Hancock destroying a Panzer III tank with explosives. The game then shifts to 21 February 1939, where René Duchamp and Paul Toledo infiltrate the German Embassy in London and steal documents from a safe.


  • PC computer Intel Pentium 4 with 2 GHz or faster processor
  • Windows 98/2000/XP or later
  • DirectX 9.0 or later
  • 128 MB RAM or more
  • 2 GB hard drive disc space
  • 3D Graphics Card with 128 MB VRAM or higher and DirectX 9.0 compatible
  • Sound Card compatible DirectX
  • Speakers or headphones
  • 4x CD ROM or DVD ROM Drive
  • Keyboard and Mouse


35 kr utan spårningsnummer

65 kr med spårningsnummer

Leverans utanför Europa kostar 70 kr med spårningsnummer

Kartong eller bubbelplast påse samt skyddsmaterial ingår i fraktpriserna.


35 SEK excluding tracking number

65 SEK with tracking number

Delivery to countries outside of Europe is 70 SEK including tracking number

Box or padded envelope and protection material is included.

Objektnr 635 317 211

Visningar 222


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Commandos 3 Destination Berlin PC CD ROM Engelsk shooter krig spel

69 kr


Lisboa, Portugal





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