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Vi skickar alltid med samfrakt & We always send items with combined shipping
Fantasy strategi spel för PC och Windows datorer.
Engelsk version, utgåva från Power Games Portugal med Portugisisk text på spelfodralet.
Spel skivan är i mycket fint skick.
Fantasy strategy game for PC and Windows computers.
English version, Power Games Portugal edition with Portuguese text on the game box.
The game disc is in very good condition.
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne is a turn-based strategy video game in a fantasy setting. The sequel to Age of Wonders, it was developed by Dutch video game developer Triumph Studios.
Unlike in Age of Wonders, where the player has the option of removing their leader from the map, players in Age of Wonders II take the role of an immortal spell-casting Wizard, who cannot be upgraded, but in certain circumstances can survive being killed.
In contrast to Age of Wonders, the maps for tactical battles are now much smaller. This led to faster combat and less maneuvering of units. Also in contrast to its predecessor, when gaining new levels Heroes can no longer choose new skills from a list of all available skills; instead, the player is forced to choose one of three offered skills, depending on the Hero's class.
In Age of Wonders, magic is used via the spell casting abilities of leaders and heroes, and global spells can be cast some distance away from the hero; use of spells in combat is restricted to battles where a hero with spell casting is present.
Magic use in Age of Wonders II uses a "domain" system; spells can only be cast within the domain of the casting wizard, or the domain of an allied wizard. Magic domains can overlap with each other, and in the simple case, are centered on the Wizard. When a Wizard is present in a Wizard's Tower, the radius of the domain increases significantly, and in addition is radiated by other Wizard's Towers, Magic Relays and Heroes under the control of the player. Global spells can only be cast by the Wizard, via a spell book located in the main user interface; spells can be cast in combat by either Heroes involved in the battle, or (provided the battle takes place inside their domain) the Wizard who controls any party which entered the battle.
UPC: (streck kod - barcode) 5603311000421
Article number: 5745/2002
Part No:
Published by Triumph Studios
PC computer Intel Pentium II with 300 MHz or faster processor
560 MB hard disk space
Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP or later
DirectX 8.1 or later
3D Graphics Card with 4 MB VRAM or higher
Sound Card 16-bit compatible with DirectX 8.1
Speakers or/and headphones
8x CD ROM or DVD ROM drive
Keyboard and Mouse
35 kr utan spårningsnummer
65 kr med spårningsnummer
Leverans utanför Europa kostar 70 kr med spårningsnummer
Kartong eller bubbelplast påse samt skyddsmaterial ingår i fraktpriserna.
35 SEK excluding tracking number
65 SEK including tracking number
Delivery to countries outside of Europe is 70 SEK including tracking number
Box or padded envelope and protection material is included.