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CARE BEARS CATCH A STAR - PC & Macintosh CD ROM (Engelsk version)
Barn spel.
Engelsk version.
CD ROM skivan är i fint skick, några små ytliga repor finns på skivan.
Children game.
English version.
The CD ROM disc is in good condition with a few small surface scratches.
The Care Bears want to make sure everyone is happy and with the help of their magical friends they can make you happy too!
Explore the Care Bears' land filled with friendship and sunshine to play 8 fantastically fun action games-each with 5cheerful levels!
Friend Bear's - Flower Power-Friend Bear is collecting flowers and she needs you to help! As flowers appear turn Friend Bear to toss flowers to match 3 or more of the same color for her friendship bouquet.Wish Bear's Star Buddy Rainbow Notes -It's time for the Star Buddy rainbow concert. Watch the stars pop up and play their notes.
Now test your memory to remember which starbuddies popped up and in which order they played their notes. Remember them all to hear the whole song play with Wish Bear conducting!Love-a-lot Bear's Wish Sender - Love-a-lot Bear is busy sending warm wishes to children everywhere.
Article number: 10491
PC Computer Intel Pentium III or later
Microsoft Windows 98/XP
32 MB RAM or more
250 MB free hard disc space
Graphics card with SVGA or higher resolution
8x CD ROM or DVD ROM drive
Sound Card 16-bit Sound Blaster compatible or higher
Speakers or headphones
Keyboard and Mouse
Macintosh computer Power PC or G3/G4 with 300 MHz or faster processor
Mac OS System 9 or Mac OS X (earlier versions with classic mode)
32 MB RAM or more
250 MB free hard disc space
Graphics card with 16 bit colours
8x CD ROM or DVD ROM drive
Sound Card 16-bit Sound Blaster compatible or higher
Speakers or headphones
Keyboard and Mouse