
RetroFighters battlerGC 2.4GHz Wireless Controller innehåller:
Retro Fighters BattlerGC GameCube Wireless Controller
Quick Start Instruction Manual
GameCube Wireless Receiver
USB Wireless Receiver
Introducing BattlerGC - Next-Gen Wireless GameCube Controller
We are excited for the release of the BattlerGC controller, a Next-Gen wireless controller compatible with the GameCube, Wii, WiiU, Switch, and PC.
Let's Celebrate! ...All Over Again
In honor of the 20th Anniversary of Nintendo GameCube, Retro Fighters brings you the best GameCube wireless controller ever made - built from the ground up.
Revolutionary Design Ergonomically designed for your comfort
Play games without tiring on your GameCube, Switch & PC
Cut the cord game freely with 2.4GHz wireless technology
Enjoy your freedom without wires and a 10+ hour rechargeable battery!
Thumbs Up! Fight on with an offset analog sticks
Designed with Super Smash Bros. in mind, the left analog stick was placed to the top-left of the d-pad.
What's the Difference? - BattlerGC vs. BladeGC
You asked. Retro Fighters listened.
The BattlerGC and the BladeGC are identical in every way, except for the location of the analog stick. If Smash Brothers is your thing, you'll love the placement of the analog stick located at the top-left of the BattlerGC.
If you like to play GameBoy games, you may prefer the larger D-pad on the BladeGC.
The GameCube Controller - Re-imagined
From its ergonomic shape, feel and placement of buttons to its colors and high-tech internal components, every part of the BattlerGC has been thoughtfully engineered to bring you the best gaming experience.
- Ergonomically designed GameCube wireless controller
- Compatible with GameCube, Game Boy Player, Switch & PC
- Wireless vibration feedback
- Pressure sensitive analog triggers
- Comfortable and accurate D-pad
- Responsive analog sticks
- Dual “Z” shoulder buttons
- 2.4 Wireless GHz technology
- Rechargeable battery
- 10+ meter wireless range
- 10+ hours of battery life per charge
- USB-C charging port
Spel & Sånt FAQ
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