
Cowabunga! The 4 half-shell heroes and New York's most fearsome fighting team are making their great comeback through the SFC series from ABYstyle Studio! Although each turtle was designed to be collected individually, the figurine will reveal its true magnificence once the four brothers are displayed together, forming a dynamic scene that pays tribute to the original animation of the 80’s and 90’s.
This diorama will reenergize both the nostalgic and the most demanding fans thanks to the meticulous care that has been given to the design of the characters, armed and in action mode on the roofs of New York City, ready to defend the city from the Shredder's misdeeds.
Michelangelo, the "party dude" and free spirit of the team! A fan of pizza, video games and skateboarding, Mikey is the most relaxed turtle with a great sense of humor for any occasion. Behind his mischievous side, however, hides a character with a good heart and formidable fighter and agility skills, using his nunchucks with speed and dexterity.
- PVC figurine from the SFC range
- Height: 21cm
- Scale: 1:10
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