
The Surrogate Brains hailed from the city ofStockton, California and had emerged after the young band membershad began hanging together on the North side of the city. SingerKendon-Walker Smith had grown up with guitarist Dennis Talley,feeding on a steady diet of Van Halen and Black Sabbath. WhenTalley had moved to the North side he had recruited Steve Rogersand `Duby War´ into his ranks for a new band that would becomeSurrogate Brains. Kendon Walker Smith (Surrogate Brains) : "Iwasn't really supposed to be in the band, except Dennis was workingup songs that I had written. Duby was essentially slated to betheir solitary lead singer, but I just hung around and was moreprolific of a songwriter. The first show we played was at 924Gilman and it was nothing I took seriously at the time. I was justhaving fun. Steve was the most ambitious of us and he wasresponsible for getting us out of Stockton and offering us out toany venue that would have us, especially Gilman Street. We playedwith just about every band that was making the scene at the time.While we were fans of many of the bands in that time, the onlyLookout band that we connected with on a social level was SewerTrout." David Hayes of Lookout! Records approached the band withthe offer of releasing an EP for the label. The only stipulatedcondition was the inclusion of the track "If The Things They SayAre True". Recorded with Pavements Gary Young at the helm, the bandwould proceed to rip through six tracks of off the wall, albeitpolitically minded upbeat punk on the "Surrogate Serenades" 7" EP.The band benefited with the dual vocals, adding an interestingdimension on top of the various tempo´s rattled out by Johnny Cruz(later of Samiam). The Kendon hand drawn cover was influenced, ordirectly copied from a Marvel Comics cover of the X Men offshoot`Excalibur´. Being one of the early bands not directly from thelocal Bay Area scene, a sense of being outsiders was prevalent.Kendon Walker Smith (Surrogate Brains) : "We were always set apartbeing from Stockton and plus having our provincial idiosyncrasiesthat I'm certain were points of amusement for the tastemakers ofthe Bay Area scene. I was fond of LSD and under the influence moreoften than not. I remember the occasional off the cuff remark hereand there and thinking that maybe these kids were hip enough toforsake the druggie subculture that I was obviously buying into atthe time. Years later, I would move to San Francisco and hang outwith the Bay kids and hear their back stories and find out that alot of them were just as bad if not worse. The scene was verydistinct and independent of the mainstream rock thing, which was astrong thing back then. The beginning of possibilities that wecould rewrite the story of rock with a culture of kids who wereconnected to the audience rather than being 40 year olds coveringsubject matter that targeted adolescents. Gilman was a sanctuaryand Lookout was in respects the documentation of said culture.. Ifnot for Lookout , we'd be even more obscure and forgotten. As withany generation, it's important to feel like whatever creativeexpression was valid and even though I can barely stand to listento any if that stuff now, somewhere there is some kid who isturning on to it despite our never getting signed to WarnerBrothers or Columbia"

Track list:
1. Super Spectacular Day
2. You
3. Tide On My Soiled Genes
4. If The Things They Say Are True
5. Down Town
6. America, The Machine

Condition cover:nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
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