
Clear with white pigment vinyl with gatefold cover

The seventh full-length record from France’s Blut Aus Nord issupposed to demonstrate more traditional black metal songwritingand song structuring. But if 2009’s curiously-entitled MemoriaVetusta II — Dialogue With The Stars is traditional, then one hasto wonder what the French avant-garde black metal trio’snontraditional stuff sounds like! Upon your first listen, itappears that this album is just a noisy, adrenalized excuse to putyour neck in a brace. But with closer inspection, it becomes clearthat Dialogue is an extremely dense and meticulously-well-texturedrecord with multiple layers that reveal themselves only afterseveral, attentive repeat listens. Sure, its most brutal momentsdefinitely rival anything put out by Norway’s finest black metalgods; but there are multiple experimentally progressive andmusically atmospheric touches woven into the mix, throughout, here,as well. This is an amazing album that challenges most people’spreconceptions about black metal. If you like black metal that areunique then you will find this album as perfect as an album canget.

Track list:
1. Acceptance (Aske)
2. Disciples Libration (Lost In The Nine Worlds)
3. The Cosmic Echoes Of Non-Matter (Immaterial Voices Of TheFathers)
4. Translucent Body Of Air (Sutta Anapanasati)
5. The Formless Sphere (Beyond The Reason)
6. The Meditant (Dialogue With The Stars)
7. The Alcove Of Angels (Vipassana)
8. Antithesis Of The Flesh (And Then Arises A New Essence)
9. Elevation

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnaderinomgraderingsområdet

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