
You all should now how limited and well made the releases onthis label are. PLEASE NOTICE any number shown on pictures belowmight NOT be the exact number you will get as we might have morethan one copy in stock

Artist Jag Panzer
Title Dissident Alliance
Format D/LP
Label Night Of The Vinyl Dead
Release Year 2011
Country Italy
Print Limited 500 numbered copies
CatalogueNumber NIGHT 118
Limited double album with insert

`Dissident Alliance´ is the album that Jag Panzer fans and, tomy understanding, the band themselves, would like to just forgetabout. It´s still unimaginable that one of the best metal bands ofall time could produce an album like this where everything wentwrong. The foundation for a few good songs must have been there, asproven by the re-workings of `Edge Of Blindness´, `Spirit Suicide´,`The Church´ and `Forsaken Child´ (although the last one ended up atotally different song) for the `Decade Of The Nail-Spiked Bat´compilation, it was just by no means visible. While the remakes aregreat the originals are just plain dull. There really is not onesaving grace for this album. The songwriting is sub-par, Daniel J.Conca´s vocals are a let down and the production is damn-neardemo-quality. In the few spots where the songwriting rises abovemediocrity, (`The Clown´ is actually quite a good song - althoughthe verses are little reminiscent of `Three Little Pigs´), thewhole thing is ruined by the production and Daniel Conca´s voice.On top of all of this, `Dissident Alliance´ doesn´t even sound likeJag Panzer. This is much more along the lines of the aggro metalthat was popular in the mid-nineties (think Pantera, Machine Head,etc.). I would go into individual songs, but there´s no need aseach is well below the normal Jag Panzer quality-standard. Acompletely throwaway-able blemish on Jag Panzers otherwise pristinetrack record, `Dissident Alliance´ is for absolute diehards only.And even those aren´t likely to find anything redeeming here.Luckily Jag Panzer would return to form 3 years later on theirglorious comeback `The Fourth Judgement´.

Track listing:
1. Jeffrey - Behind The Gate
2. The Clown
3. Forsaken Child
4. Edge Of Blindness
5. Eve Of Penance
6. Last Dying Breath
7. Psycho Next Door
8. Spirit Suicide
9. GMV 407
10. The Church
11. Whisper God

Condition cover: nm

Condition record: nm

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