
2006 reissue with the Roar Of War 1999demo and the Neutron Hammer promo tape as bonus

Vomitor is a Gospel Of The Horns sideproject that started in Brisbane, Australia in 1999. After a bunchof demo tapes the band finally released their debut album BleedingThe Priest in 2002. This album is some really decent piece ofAussie thrash with elements of death metal. But mostly they remainwell into the Sodom, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer vein of things, whichsuits them fine. Vomitor have tried to reinvent the music of theold school gods to something new. They are thrashing like Sodom andfriends, but at the same time you can hear the black metalinfluence of Bathory and Venom on them too. The vocals are dismaland reverberate through out the album. The bass line is ultrafuzzy, the guitar is thin sounding, and the drums are actuallyquiet decent. I know, I am surprised too, for bands like this areknown for their shitty drumming, but this guy can not only keep abeat, he can make the old double time seem interesting. Vomitorhave changed it alittle but still stayed true to the roots. Otherwannabe bands take a good note, this is how it is done.

Track listing:
1. Funeral Dirge/Hunter For Blood
2. Cry From The Underground
3. Reapers Carrion
4. Pain Of Death
5. Bleeding The Priest
6. Terminal Torture
7. Mx Warrior
8. Megalomaniac
9. Hunter For Blood-demo 99
10. Beast Of Sodom/Midnight Madness-demo 99
11. Pain Of Death-demo 99
12. Cry From The Undergroiund-demo 99
13. Neutron Hammer-promo tape 2000
14. Midnight Madness-promo tape 2000

Condition cover: nm

Condition cd: nm

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M (mint)/NM (near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inom graderingsområdet

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