BESM Dramatis Personae
Do you like NPCs? Because we've got NPCs! The small Dramatis Personae PDF volumes of adventure NPCs have been a hit with BESM Fourth Edition fans, and so we are collecting them all into one printed printed volume. We are also adding a dozen never-seen-before new entries, plus a section on NPC organisations in the BESM Multiverse. Like BESM Extras, BESM Dramatis Personae clocks in at 144 full-colour pages with gorgeous illustrations. Hardcover, Smyth-sewn binding, spot UV lamination, bookmark ribbon – it's all here, too!
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Språk: Engelska
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Do you like NPCs? Because we've got NPCs! The small Dramatis Personae PDF volumes of adventure NPCs have been a hit with BESM Fourth Edition fans, and so we are collecting them all into one printed printed volume. We are also adding a dozen never-seen-before new entries, plus a section on NPC organisations in the BESM Multiverse. Like BESM Extras, BESM Dramatis Personae clocks in at 144 full-colour pages with gorgeous illustrations. Hardcover, Smyth-sewn binding, spot UV lamination, bookmark ribbon – it's all here, too!
Helt ny bok, endast bläddrad.
Språk: Engelska
Betalning inom 3 dagar från avslutad auktion om inget annat överenskommits.
Se gärna mina andra auktioner för eventuell samfrakt.
Skickas med vald fraktmetod efter fullgjord betalning eller hämtas på plats hos mig i Huddinge.
BESM Big Eyes, Small Mouth - Dramatis Personae - 4th edition
Avslutad 26 jan 16:24
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99 kr
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