
Canaan Avalon Nano Bitcoin Miner. Den är utvecklad och tillverkad av det NASDAQ-noterade Canaan Inc. Den har 3 effektlägen: 65W, 100W och 140W. Den har en integrerad LED-display, styrning via Avalon Nano Mobile App, WiFi-anslutning, 140W USB-C Canaan PSU ingår, 3 avgasfläktar och en installationsmanual.
Hash rate 4th/s, with just 140 Watt Included in the price: New EU PSU (original charger) Tax free within EU Guarantee 6 months Tested for few days/ still new with original package. Working as a mini heater If you wish to buy more than one, just send a dm.
Priset kan diskuteras om flera köps!
Hash rate 4th/s, with just 140 Watt Included in the price: New EU PSU (original charger) Tax free within EU Guarantee 6 months Tested for few days/ still new with original package. Working as a mini heater If you wish to buy more than one, just send a dm.
Priset kan diskuteras om flera köps!
Canaan Avalon Nano Bitcoin Miner
Slutar 10 apr 13:59
2 750 kr