
En praktisk frasebok och ordbok för att lära sig danska. Perfekt för resenärer och studenter.

Utmärkt skick.
Boken har använts med försiktighet och saknar helt överstrykningar och anteckningar. Boken är som ny men omslaget kan vara lätt nött.
Upplaga: 4e upplagan
Utgiven: 2012ISBN: 9781780042640
Förlag: Berlitz Publishing CompanyFormat:
Språk: Danska
Sidor: 224 st
"With its completely redesigned interior making the book even more accessiblethan before, the Berlitz Danish Phrase Book is ideal for travellers of allages who are looking for a reliable and up-to-date phrase book that containsall the phrases they really need when they are in Denmark. The newand improved content has a more visually appealing colour-coding system, enabling users to find what they want, when they want it, and in less time. The book also provides simplified phonetics to ensure that users pronouncethe Danish words and phrases correctly. Stunning images enhance thecontent and make this the most visually attractive Danish phrase book onthe market."--Publisher's description.
"With its completely redesigned interior making the book even more accessiblethan before, the Berlitz Danish Phrase Book is ideal for travellers of allages who are looking for a reliable and up-to-date phrase book that containsall the phrases they really need when they are in Denmark. The newand improved content has a more visually appealing colour-coding system, enabling users to find what they want, when they want it, and in less time. The book also provides simplified phonetics to ensure that users pronouncethe Danish words and phrases correctly. Stunning images enhance thecontent and make this the most visually attractive Danish phrase book onthe market."--Publisher's description.

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Danska fraser & ordbok - Berlitz


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