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9 230 annoncer
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Solidago canadensis 'Baby Gold' - Små gyldne ris
12 SEK
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Solidago 'Citronella' - Gullris
12 SEK
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TOMAT - Oksekødstomat - Empire - Rød, rund
12 SEK
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TOMAT - Oksekødstomat - Burpees Jubilee - Orange, flad rund
12 SEK
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Syriske Tagetes fra Tycho Brahe-haven ved Ven - DEJLIGT !!!
12 SEK
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Petunia - Surfinia & Million bells mix
12 SEK
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Commelina tuberosa - Himmelblomst
12 SEK
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Lopezia racemosa - Enmans Blomma
12 SEK
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Capsicum 'Tequila Sunrise' - Peber, der ligner en gulerod :-)
15 SEK
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Lavandula multifida 'Spanske øjne' - Sommer lavendel
12 SEK
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Capsicum baccatum 'Bishop's Crown' - Berry Pepper (Chili)
15 SEK
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Antirrhinum majus mix - Lejongap
12 SEK
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Salvia tiliifolia - Salvia med sort stilk
12 SEK
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Nicotiana glutinosa sp. - Jack tobak
12 SEK
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Papaver laciniatum 'Danebrog' - Fjädervallmo
12 SEK
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Tanacetum parthenium 'Golden Moss' - Limefarvet tæppestel
12 SEK
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Viscaria 'Blue Angel' - Tjæreblomster
12 SEK
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Nicandra physaloides - Ballonblomst
12 SEK
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Papaver sp. - Valmue - Lys violet
12 SEK
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Hibiscus trionum 'Simply Love' - Timvisare
12 SEK
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Nicotiana sylvestris - Narcisstobak
12 SEK
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Papaver paeoniflorum mix - Pionvallmo
12 SEK
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Nicotiana langsdorffii 'Lemon Tree' - brasiliansk klokketobak
12 SEK
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Alonsoa meridionalis - Ildblomst
12 SEK
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Alonsoa meridionalis 'Firestone Jewels' - Ildblomst
12 SEK
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Nicotiana langsdorffii 'Cream Splash' - Broget klokketobak
12 SEK
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Alonsoa warscewicii 'Salmon Pink' - Eldblomma
12 SEK
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Amaranthus hypochondriacus 'Pigmy Torch' - Prinsplym
12 SEK
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Eccremocarpus scaber 'Carnival Time' - fakkel
12 SEK
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Emilia coccinea - Tofsblomster
12 SEK
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Lilium mix - Triumphator / speciosum / OT / longiflorum mfl .....
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Hantsing' - Curling Lily
12 SEK
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Alonsoa meridionalis 'Aprikos' - Ildblomst
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Sutton's Court' - Curling Lily
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Nepera' - Krøllet lilje
12 SEK
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Hosta minor - Lille funkia
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Claude Shride' - Curling Lily
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Terrace City' - Curling Lily
12 SEK
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Verbascum - Mit KÆMPE kongelys - Et monster :-)
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Mrs RO Backhouse' - Curling Lily - Cool !!
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon - Lavendel-lilla Croll Lily
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Album' - Krollilja - Vit
12 SEK
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Eupatorium maculatum 'Gateway' - Rosenflockel - LÅ SORT !!!
12 SEK
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Eupatorium maculatum 'Purple Bush' - Rosenflockel
12 SEK
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Pulsatilla alpina ssp. Apiifolia var. sulphurea - Alpsippa
12 SEK
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Hypericum androsaemum 'Albury Purple' - Praktisk Hypericum
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Sweet Betsy' - Curly Lily
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon - asiatisk krøllet lilje
12 SEK
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Meconopsis betonicifolia 'Hensol Violet' - Blå valmue
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon 'Albiflorum' - Krøllet lilje - Hvide/lyserøde prikker
12 SEK
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Rodgersia aesculifolia - Kastanje rodgersia
12 SEK
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Rodgersia sp. - Stor rodgersia
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon - Krøllet lilje - Rød med prikker - Unormalt!
12 SEK
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Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba' - Fingrad rodgersia
12 SEK
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Potentilla nepalensis 'Helen Jane' - indisk fingerurt
12 SEK
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Lilium martagon - Abrikoskrøllilje
12 SEK
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Rodgersia pinnata 'Chocolate Wings' - Fingrad rodgersia
12 SEK
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Rodgersia podophylla - Bronze rodgersia
12 SEK
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Pulsatilla - østasiatisk sippa
12 SEK
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Pulsatilla ambigua - Sippa
12 SEK
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Pulsatilla - Hindbærrød anemone
12 SEK
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Dianthus giganteus - Flerårig kæmpenellike
12 SEK
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Astrantia maxima - Kaukasisk stjernehob
12 SEK
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Pulsatilla albana var. georgica - Klocksippa
12 SEK
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Eremurus robustus - Kæmpe steppe lilje pink
12 SEK
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Pulsatilla grandis - Large backsippa
12 SEK
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Pulsatilla - Sort bjerganemone
12 SEK
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Clematis heracleifolia - Blåklokkeklematis
12 SEK
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Clematis ianthina x fusca - Lille lanterneklematis - VIDUNDERLIG !!!
12 SEK
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Verbena macdougalii - Axverbena
12 SEK
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Paeonia anomala var. veitchii - Lav babylyserød pæon
12 SEK
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Adlumia fungosa - Klatrehjerte
12 SEK
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