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Frimärken från Schweiz
46 annonser
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Schweiz 2004 FDC Trästämpel
27 apr 07:30
58 kr
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Switzerland 2022 Müntschi MNH
26 apr 21:12
24 kr
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Switzerland 1998 Vignette Flag from Year book MNH
10 apr 11:22
22 kr
0 bud
Schweiz 2000 FDC-broderistämpel
25 apr 12:56
58 kr
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Schweiz 1993 års set komplett på FDC
25 apr 12:56
162 kr
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Schweiz 1992 års set komplett på FDC
25 apr 12:56
162 kr
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Switzerland 1991 booklet 700 years mint
25 apr 12:56
70 kr
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Schweiz 1991 års set komplett på FDC
25 apr 12:56
128 kr
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Schweiz 1990 års uppsättning utan definitiva frimärken på FDC
25 apr 12:56
116 kr
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Switzerland 1978 Block of 4 SUVA worker insurance first day cancel 3.combination
24 apr 12:38
24 kr
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Switzerland 1978 Block of 4 SUVA worker insurance first day cancel 2.combination
24 apr 12:37
24 kr
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Switzerland 1978 Block of 4 SUVA worker insurance first day cancel 1.combination
24 apr 11:26
24 kr
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Switzerland 2006 FDC Old fruit varieties Plum
23 apr 20:52
23 kr
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Switzerland 1984 Set Pro Juventute Children's books FDC
23 apr 15:54
18 kr
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Switzerland 1985 Set Pro Juventute Fairy tales FDC
22 apr 17:33
18 kr
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Switzerland 1973 Set Pro Juventute Forest Fruits FDC
22 apr 17:33
12 kr
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Switzerland 1991 Set Pro Juventute Forest flowers FDC
22 apr 17:28
24 kr
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Switzerland 1993 Set Pro Juventute Forest plants FDC
22 apr 17:27
24 kr
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Switzerland 1995 Set Pro Juventute Animals FDC
22 apr 17:26
24 kr
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Schweiz 4 apostlar
6 apr 10:17
10 kr
0 bud
Ett parti äldre stämplade frimärken Schweiz
29 mar 09:51
30 kr
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40 kr
Switzerland 1994 Set Pro Juventute Christmas Mushrooms MNH
21 apr 17:27
55 kr
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Switzerland 2015 Set Pro Juventute mint
20 apr 15:23
55 kr
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Switzerland 2015 souvenir sheet Ammonoidea mint
20 apr 15:20
33 kr
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Switzerland 1979 Set Pro Juventute Municipal coat of arms FDC
16 apr 13:17
12 kr
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Switzerland 1980 Set Pro Juventute Municipal coat of arms FDC
16 apr 13:16
12 kr
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Switzerland 1981 Set Pro Juventute Municipal coat of arms FDC
16 apr 13:16
12 kr
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Switzerland 1983 Set Pro Juventute childrens toys FDC
16 apr 13:15
12 kr
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Switzerland 2019 Set Pro Patria flag mint
16 apr 13:13
29 kr
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Schweiz- AFA 147 - Katalogvärde sek 800,-
30 mar 22:49
40 kr
0 bud
Switzerland 1962 souvenir sheet Pro Juventute 50 years mother w child MNH
29 mar 13:14
29 kr
0 bud
Switzerland 1992 Set Pro Juventute Christmas Forest trees MNH
13 apr 21:17
52 kr
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Switzerland 2018 Souvenir Sheet Fondue mint
12 apr 17:19
250 kr
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Switzerland 2017 Souvenir Sheet Creux du Van mint
11 apr 11:34
20 kr
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Schweiz 2018 FDC-set Ballenberg historiska byggnader
6 apr 15:29
52 kr
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Schweiz 2018 FDC-set Fondue
6 apr 15:29
35 kr
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Switzerland 1962 souvenir sheet Pro Juventute 50 years mother w child canceled
4 apr 11:42
23 kr
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Switzerland 1989/94 set people and profession used
4 apr 11:29
46 kr
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Switzerland 2015 Strip of 3 Rheinfall mint
4 apr 07:31
52 kr
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Schweiz 1995 FDC Telecom Palexpo Genève
1 apr 10:31
18 kr
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Switzerland 2006 FDC Sheet Naba Baden City Tower
31 mar 20:48
29 kr
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Switzerland 2020 Set Choclate mint
30 mar 15:10
58 kr
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Schweiz 1960 Världsflyktingåret 1 postfriska märken och FDC med vinjett
30 kr
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Thailand Schweiz FDC Thailands kungs besök 1897 12.9.1997 vinjett
25 kr
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Schweiz FDC Siams kungs besök 100 år 12.9.1997 vinjett
20 kr
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Schweiz FDC Pro Patria Hus 13.5.1997 vinjett
30 kr
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