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The Little Book of Truffles – Sabine Bucquet-Grenet & Françoise Dubarry

En hel bok om tryffel. Flammarion, 2001. 12 cm x 22 cm. 120 sidor. Engelsk text. Gott bruksskick.

Truffles, the food of kings, are a prized addition to any table. They hide their mysteries underground, in woods, at the foot of oak trees, where their presence can only be detected by a well-trained dog or pig, whose sense of smell searches them out for the delight of their owners. The very best truffles can today fetch prices in the thousands of pounds. The Little Book of Truffles is an informative and handy guide to the history of this rare and refined foodstuff that began its life as a staple of the countryman's diet. With its easy-to-follow alphabetical format and extensive cross-referencing, the guide takes you to the very heart of the mystery of the truffle, its reproductive cycle, its culinary uses, and even where to search for your very own hoard. The book includes a bibliography and details of where to find out more for those who wish to explore the subject in greater depth. Thoroughly researched, with full-color illustrations on every page and a unique color-coding system for entries, The Little Book of Truffles provides both helpful advice as well as hours of reading pleasure to all those who relish the prospect of the hunt, who cannot wait to pull on their boots and set out on a search for what the French call "black gold."

För fler matböcker och andra titlar titta gärna på mina övriga auktioner. Samfraktar.

Item nr. 656 552 051

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The Little Book of Truffles: Sabine Bucquet-Grenet & Françoise Dubarry – tryffel

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SEK 49


Lund, Zweden




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