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Hanteringstid att packa paket är cirka 3 vardagar. Post transit till Sverige och inom Europa 5 dagar. Post utdelning tillkommer, i mars till maj månad 2025 kan det uppstå fördröjning med 1 vecka att skicka paket. Köp gjorda på fredag till söndag hanteras de första vardagarna den kommande veckan. Spårningsnummer skickas via e-post från Tradera kontot, för brev som skickas med frimärke då skickas kvitto och leveransbekräftelse via e-post.

Alla annonser lämnas garanti på om inget annat anges i objektbeskrivningen.

Vi skickar med samfrakt om inget annat anges i objektbeskrivningen.

FRAKT PRISER - Sverige och Europa

45 kr utan spårningsnummer (Sverige och EU länder)

80 kr med spårningsnummer (Sverige och EU länder)

PORTUGAL SHIPPING PRICES - Enviar para Portugal / Domestic shipping Portugal

2.05 EURO excluding tracking number - Correio Normal

4.80 EURO including tracking number - Correio Registado

SHIPPING PRICES - European Union - UK - Norway - USA

4.10 EURO excluding tracking number (European Union including UK and Norway)

6.95 EURO including tracking number (European Union including UK and Norway)

Delivery to countries outside of Europe is 8.50 EURO including tracking number / 5.32 euro excluding tracking number

Delivery to USA is 9.20 EURO including tracking number / 6.20 EURO excluding tracking number

SEGA SONIC RIVALS - Sony PSP spel (Engelsk)

Vi samfraktar alltid vid köp av flera saker & We always arrange combined shipping

Sony PSP spel med Sonic The Hedgehog.

Engelsk version av spelet - Region 2

Spel skivan är fint skick, spel skivans fodral är som bild visar öppen, säljes i befintlig skick.

Sony PSP game.

English version of the game - Region 2

The game disc is in good condition, the disc case is opened as the photo show and is sold as is.


Sonic Rivals is a racing video game, part of the Sonic the Hedgehog series that was released in late 2006. It is the first Sonic game developed by Backbone Entertainment, for the PlayStation Portable. The game was also supervised by members of Sega Studio USA including Takashi Iizuka.

One year later, in 2007, a sequel called Sonic Rivals 2 was developed by the same company for the same platform.


When the mysterious Onyx Island appears out of nowhere, Sonic and Tails fly there to investigate. They confront Doctor Eggman, who reveals his latest device: a camera which can turn people and things into cards, having already done so to Amy. He turns Tails into a card just as Knuckles arrives, angry at Eggman for using his device on the Master Emerald as well. Eggman announces his plan to conquer the world by turning everything to cards, challenging Sonic and Knuckles to stop him as he flees. The two heroes both set out independently to stop his plan. Elsewhere, Shadow receives a distress signal from Eggman, but upon finding him, the doctor denies sending one. He later receives a communication from Rouge warning him she has stumbled upon a dangerous secret about Eggman, but she is turned to a card before she can continue. Suddenly, Silver appears from the future, and tells Shadow he needs to get to Eggman first.


UPC: (streck kod - barcode) 010086660098

Article number: ULUS 10195GH

1 or 2 Player Game - Wireless compatible 2 players - English Version


35 kr utan spårningsnummer

59 kr med spårningsnummer

Leverans utanför Europa kostar 70 kr med spårningsnummer

Kartong eller bubbelplast kuvert samt skyddsmaterial ingår i fraktpriserna


35 SEK excluding tracking number

59 SEK including tracking number

Delivery to countries outside of Europe is 70 SEK including tracking number

Box or padded envelope and protection material is included

Item nr. 635 233 579

Aantal keer bekeken 462

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Sega Sonic Rivals Sony PSP spel Engelsk UMD Reg 2 spel skivans fodral lite öppen

SEK 99


Lisboa, Portugal




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