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Product specification.:

Tool cutting edge angle(KAPR): 93 deg

Tool lead angle(PSIR): -3 deg

Clamping type code(MTP): P

Part 2 of cutting item interface identifiers(CUTINT_MASTER): DNMG 150608

Adaptive interface machine direction(ADINTMS): SL head (screw mounted) -size 60

Maximum ramping angle(RMPX): 27 deg

Minimum bore diameter(DMIN1): 80 mm

Workpiece side body angle(BAWS): 0 deg

Machine side body angle(BAMS): 0 deg

Maximum overhang(OHX): 40 mm

Hand(HAND): R

Coolant entry style code(CNSC): 1: axial concentric entry

Coolant exit style code(CXSC): 3: axial inclined exit

Coolant pressure(CP): 10 bar

Connection diameter(DCONMS): 60 mm

Functional length(LF): 40 mm

Functional width(WF): 43 mm

Functional height(HF): 0 mm

Orthogonal rake angle(GAMO): -6 deg

Inclination angle(LAMS): -8 deg

Torque(TQ): 5 Nm

Body material code(BMC): Steel

Weight of item(WT): 0.5 kg

Master insert identification(MIID): DNMG 15 06 08

Release date(ValFrom20): 11/8/93

Release pack id(RELEASEPACK): 93.3

VAT invoice or bill of sale on purchase. If you have EU VAT number please let us know on purchase.

Shipping with UPS courier from Poland.

Authentic photos of selling product.

Item nr. 655 968 847

Aantal keer bekeken 42

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Sandvik T-Max P Head R571.35C-604043-15

Stopt 25 jan 07:42

SEK 770


Torun / Poland, Polen




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