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Rarity: Ultra Rare
Card Type: Pokémon – Level Up
Card Text: Put this card onto your Active Heatran. Heatran LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous Level.
Type: Fire
Hit Points: 120
Weakness: pokemon energy ×2
Retreat Cost: pokemon energy
Poke Power: Heat Metal – Your opponent can’t remove the Special Condition Burned by evolving or devolving his or her Burned Pokémon. (This also includes putting a Pokémon Level-Up card onto the Burned Pokémon.) Whenever your opponent flips a coin for the Special Condition Burned between turns, treat it as tails.
Manufacturer: Nintendo
Set: Stormfront
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Heatran LV.X 97/100
SEK 466