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Release 30/6 2018.

Contained in this 320-page hardback book:


- The Tale of Aeons: this first section of the book contains a detailed, illustrated story-so-far, from the shattering of the world-that-was to the present. This covers 3 major Ages:
- The Age of Myth, Sigmar’s journey through the cosmos, his meeting with the Great Drake Dracothion and his exploration of the 8 Mortal Realms, his awakening of other gods, the building of civilisations and the fractious alliances that were forged;
- The Age of Chaos, brought about by the machinations of the Chaos Gods and their command of the Realm of Chaos, spitting daemon legions forth and destroying the peace that once reigned;
- The Age of Sigmar, in which vengeance against the Chaos Gods was meted out with celestial fury in the Realmgate Wars, with detailed background on Nagash’s dire plan to take back every mortal soul – which he sees as his by right. His necroquake, which has caused every dead being in the Mortal Realms to be reconnected with its essence, has led to wild, untamed magics and undeath taking hold in every realm – and thus the Soul Wars have begun…

- The Mortal Realms: background on each of the 8 Mortal Realms – Azyr, Shyish, Ashqy, Chamon, Ghur, Ghyran, Hysh, and Ulgu – details of their links, descriptions of the native civilisations that have risen and fallen, key events that have taken place and notable geological features; along with details of the Realm of Chaos, a nightmarish dimension home to the Chaos Gods and legions of terrifying hellspawn;

- Factions of the Mortal Realms: descriptions of the armies that fight in the Mortal Realms, each featuring a showcase of beautifully-painted Citadel miniatures, split into 4 sections according to their Grand Alliances;

- The Forces of Order: a detailed overview of each of the following Order factions – Stormcast Eternals, Fyreslayers, Kharadron Overlords, Sylvaneth, Daughters of Khaine, Idoneth Deepkin, Seraphon, and The Free Peoples (an alliance of human, aelf and duardin spurred on to fight);
- The Forces of Chaos: a detailed overview of each of the following Chaos factions – The Everchosen, Slaves to Darkness, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Skaven, the various Creatures of Chaos, and Brayherds & Warherds;
- The Forces of Death: a detailed overview of the following Death factions: The Deathlords, Nighthaunts, Flesh-eater Courts, The Soulblight Curse, and The Necromantic Hosts;
- The Forces of Destruction: a detailed overview of the following Destruction factions – Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, Beastclaw Raiders, and The Savage Tribes (a gathering of disparate orruks, grots, ogors, troggoths and gargants ready for Waaagh!).


The second section of this book contains a wealth of new and updated rules, a veritable treasure chest of ways to play games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, each rule and each concept entirely optional making it possible to play your games the way you want:

- Battles in the Mortal Realms: containing the core rules, this section is about exploring the fantastical, battle-filled Mortal Realms in your tabletop games. It contains the following:
- The Core Rules: everything from mustering your army to deciding the victor is covered here, with easy to follow guides on the things you need to play a game, how to set them up and how to actually play – how to cast spells, use heroic abilities, move your troops, shoot, charge, fight, and test for battleshock, with illustrated examples and clear explanations of exactly how each phase works;
- An explanation of Triumphs: rewards and bonuses victorious armies can carry over to their next battle;
- Terrain rules, with a table featuring special statuses for scenery pieces and an explanation of how terrain can be garrisoned;
- Details of Battleplans – a set of rules that define how the battlefield is set up, where armies will be placed, objectives to be secured and the final victory conditions of your game, with an easy to follow Battleplan included as an example;
- An explanation of the workings of Warscrolls: every Citadel miniature in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar range has a Warscroll, which provides you with the rules needed to use that miniature in a game. This section shows you how to use the characteristics, abilities, damage tables and keywords of these Warscrolls;
- An explanation of Warscroll Battalions: specially-designed collections of miniatures which have access to unique rules and abilities, often with a narrative focus;
- An overview of Realm of Battle rules: these are rules which introduce specific spells, scenery rules and command abilities according to which of the 8 Mortal Realms in which your battle takes place;
- An explanation of Allegiance Abilities: additional abilities, spells and reinforcement potentially available to your army according to their allegiance, whether Grand Alliance or faction.

- Conquest Unbound: this expands upon the basics explained in the previous section, adding more rules and abilities to your games:
- Grand Alliance Allegiance Abilities: battle traits, command traits and artefacts of power available to armies with allegiance to either Order, Chaos, Death or Destruction;
- Realms of Battle: specific spells, command abilities and terrain rules for 7 of the 8 Mortal Realms (Shyish, Ashqy, Chamon, Ghur, Ghyran, Hysh, and Ulgu);
- Endless Spells: rules for using special spells which remain on the table until out of bounds or unbound, including an Endless Spell Warscroll for the Balewind Vortex scenery piece.

- Open Play Games: a guide to a style of gameplay with no r...

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