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Darwin's Dangerous idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life av Daniel C. Dennett
Vikningar på omslaget, kantstött, gulnade sidor
ISBN: 9780140167344

”In Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life Daniel C. Dennett argues that the theory of evolution can demystify the miracles of life without devaluing our most cherished beliefs.

From the moment it first appeared, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection has been controversial: misrepresented, abused, denied and fiercely debated. In this powerful defence of Darwin, Daniel C. Dennett explores every aspect of evolutionary thinking to show why it is so fundamental to our existence, and why it affirms - not threatens - our convictions about the meaning of life.”

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Item nr. 651 466 753

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Darwin's Dangerous idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life av Daniel C. Dennett

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Lärbro, Zweden



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