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Rare double album on red vinyls withgatefold cover and 8 bonus tracks

Though neither of their first twoalbums had sold in very large quantities (even by heavy metalstandards), by 1983 Venom had become simply impossible to ignore.To be sure, their exceedingly Satanic posturing wasn’t nearly asshocking as it was cartoonish, and their impenetrable dirge ofembryonic black metal was known to clear rooms faster than a firealarm, but somehow, these qualities only helped fuel the metalcommunity’s interest in the band. At the time, even their mostpromising New Wave of British Heavy Metal contemporaries (IronMaiden, Def Leppard, etc.) were still struggling to break out ofthe strictest metal circles, but what they had, and what Venomcraved above all else, was some measure of respect from the media,most of whom still viewed them as a trio of buffoons. So when itcame time to record their third album, At War with Satan, the bandtook desperate measures to try and validate both their technicalability as musicians and their songwriting capabilities. Theirfolly gave birth to the album’s bloated magnum opus of a titletrack — a twenty-minute concept piece/sonic ordeal taking up thealbum’s entire first half and dedicated to the lord of darknesshimself (no, not Ozzy, the Devil). Needless to say, Venom weresimply not equipped to pull off this feat (heck, can you name thebands besides maybe Rush who did?) and much of “At War with Satan”is decidedly crap; and what memorable moments do crop up, arealmost always neutralized by the track’s massive, confusing girth.But once they got past this ill-advised anomaly, the band got backto what they did best: furiously compact two and three minutescorchers. Although they’d already squandered most of theirinspiration on albums one and two, Venom’s dwindling creativereserves still yielded a few very strong cuts here, most notablythe blistering “Rip Ride,” the vicious “Genocide” and theall-inclusive “Women, Leather and Hell” (what else is there,really?). And when there’s simply nothing left to say, Venom say itbetter than most, closing the album with the immortal relic“Aaaaaaarrghh” (possibly the funniest song everrecorded).

Track listing:
1. At War With Satan
2. Rip Ride
3. Genocide
4. Cry Wolf
5. Stand Up (And Be Counted)
6. Women Leather And Hell
7. Aaaaarrrggghhh
8. At War With Satan-TV adverts
9. Warhead-12-inch version
10. Lady Lust-12-inch version
11. Seven Gates Of Hell-12-inch version
12. Manitou-12-inch version
13. Woman-12-inch version
14. Dead Of The Night-12-inch version
15. Manitou-Abbey Road re-mix

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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Skick gradering:

M (mint)/NM (near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inom graderingsområdet

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