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Clear vinyl with lyric insert

As any true devotee will recognize, the creation of heavy metalthat genuinely chills the blood and raises the goosebumps is aboutmore than carefully constructed stylistic posturing, more thanslavish devotion to the diabolus-in-musica rulebook, and more thana devotedly purchased vinyl collection of crypt-kicking classics.It’s a feeling, an atmosphere, and an attitude that together provehard to quantify, and even harder for the casually acquainted tosummon. No such worries for Vancouver’s Spell however, who displayon their second full-length, For None And All, that they’re inpossession of more heart, chutzpah and sinister sleight-of-handthan a dozen of their contemporaries. Spell, a power-triocomprising Cam Mesmer (lead vocals/bass) Graham McVie(guitars/backing vocals) and Lester Spectre (drums/backing vocals)started out life as Stryker (not to be confused with Striker, theother Canadian metal band), playing ‘80s-inspired andthrash-damaged metal, before they made the decision to change theirmoniker to better reflect the more oracular style that was evolvingin splendid isolation in British Columbia. Looming into the darkerquarters of the consciousness like some gloriously nightmarishanalgam of the mystical ambience of the ‘70s and the jagged attackof the ‘80s, For None And All makes no secrets of the classics thathave informed its feverish drive, yet Mesmer insists that the bandsee themselves as a contemporary beast. “Although obviously we love70’s bands and idealize a time when rock ‘n roll could be loud andweird and unique and experimental without being so self-conscious,we don’t consider ourselves to be a throwback or pastiche act inany way” Indeed, whilst the discerning listener will be able tohear traces of the mystical aura of Blue Öyster Cult and theseductive contortions of King Crimson and Rush on For None And All,and also the malevolent and righteous bravura that Judas Priest andScorpions made manifest throughout the ages, what Spell excel inmore so is a suspension of disbelief that transforms theseinfectious psychodramas and tales of the supernatural into aturbulent and tempestuous psychic shockwave that raises pulse-ratesas easily as it haunts the dreams. “If there’s a horror element toour sound, it’s because the world is a horrifying (and wonderful)place” reckons Mesmer. “We all struggle to find ways to nail downsome meaning or rationalization to explain why we’re heresuffering, but I don’t really believe in this. Existing isterrifying – be terrified, and love that terror.” Make no mistake,this is a band with a formidable grasp on their chosen metier, andtheir self-styled ‘hypnotising heavy metal – as chronicled on ForNone And All – is a delirious and life-affirming elixir indeed.

Track list:
1. Madame Psychosis
2. Whipping Sigils
3. Too Late
4. The Sickness Unto Death
5. River Of Sleep
6. Seance
7. The Veil
8. Dark Distress
9. Vanitas
10. The Sphinx

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M(mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnaderinomgraderingsområdet

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