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Clear vinyl with lyric insert. Limited 100 copies

This five track EP from Finntroll serves as another stop-gapbetween the Jaktens Tid and Nattfodd full-lengths. Packaged neatlyin a digipack containing some of the best cover art from the bandto date, this is best purchased as a completion to the collectionof an avid fan. Not to discredit Trollhammaren (the troll hammer)though, as the five tracks are all good. Due to the length of therecord and small number of songs, it is pertinent to give this disca track by track review, if only to highlight the diversity of whatthis offers. Title track and opener Trollhammaren is a staple fromthe band, which will probably appear in all their live sets fromnow till forever. The credentials of the song are questionable; itcould be seen as a repetitive cliché of the genre. Despite this itis extremely catchy, and therefore very enjoyable, but it is notthe reason you should buy this record. The second track Hemkomst(Home coming) is fast paced, still catchy, and somewhat moresubstantial than the previous. It is reminiscent of Den HornkronteKonungen in pace and style. It´s basically a great song and worth alisten. Next up Skog (the forest). Heavy and black with someatmospheric keyboards, this song seems ahead of its time forFinntroll. It would fit nicely on their Ur Jordens Djup album, oreven an early Moonsorrow release. It´s an eclectic fusion of blackand viking sounds, with the usual sprinkling of trollishness thrownin to the mix. Forsvinn du som lyser (Be gone those who shine) is ametal re-working of an acoustic track from Visor om Slutet. It ishard to do this track justice on paper. It has to be heard to beappreciated but needless to say it epitomises what´s great aboutFinntroll. This was one of the last songs recorded that was writtenby Somnium. The album closes with Hel Vete (whole wheat). The titleis a pun on the Swedish word helvete meaning hell. This has achoppy almost funky feel to it, but unlike En Maktig Har on UrJordens Djup the song does not sound out of place, due to thediversity of this EP. It serves to demonstrate that Finntrollaren´t a one trick pony, and is an awesome track to boot. Youprobably already have the title track on Nattfodd. Still try andget hold of this record. Yes it´s short, but its more than sweet.Remember this is an EP, something for fan but perhaps not a casuallistener. Don´t expect any more than fifteen minutes listeningtime, but this EP hasn´t been marketed as something it isn´t, andit does its job with a flourish

Track list:
1. Trollhammaren
2. Hemkomst
3. Skog
4. Forsvinn Du Som Lyser
5. Hel Vete

Condition cover: nm

Condition vinyl: nm

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M (mint)/NM(near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inomgraderingsområdet

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Finntroll -Trollhammaren MLP clear vinyl ltd 100 copies

300 SEK


MOTALA, Sverige




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