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Red marbled vinyl. Limited 300 copies
Cover songs or full albums are usually a prettynice treat for the fans of the band that releases them. For SixFeet Under, it has actually become a bit of a tradition to do so.For the uninitiated, apart from their regular work of death metal,Six Feet Under has a series of cover albums known as the GraveyardClassics. Sometimes they follow a specific theme, or sometimes itis just a selection of songs from the godfathers of heavy metal.It´s been six years since the last Graveyard Classics, butGraveyard Classics IV: The Number of the Priest that they´renowhere near finished with the covers game. Just as the name of thealbum suggests, this particular album consists of nothing but JudasPriest and Iron Maiden songs. These songs were chosen by MetalBlade CEO, Brian Slagel, to pay homage to two of the most importantbands to the name of heavy metal. These songs are done up in trueSix Feet Under fashion. They´re all played with distorted anddowntuned guitars, heavy drums and Chris Barnes iconic death metalgutturals on vocals. The songs themselves are done very faithfullyand definitely feel heavier than the originals, given the guitars.However, my only little qualm simply had to do with Barnes´ vocals.Given that Rob Halford and Bruce Dickinson has two of the bestvoices in heavy metal, and that their vocal melodies are incrediblymemorable and impacting, hearing them replaced with Barnes´ growlsis a little jarring but not in a good way. I feel that diehardPriest and Maiden fans might have similar issues, but when you´reable to look past it and pay attention to the riffage, these arestill some awesome treatments of classic metal songs. I´d say thisis still a solid instalment in Six Feet Under´s Graveyard Classicsseries. If you´ve ever wondered what Iron Maiden or Judas Priestmight sound with downtuned guitars and death metal growls, thisalbum of covers is absolutely going to scratch your itch. Again,diehard Maiden and Priest fans might not enjoy these treatments asmuch, but there´s going to be something for everyone here. Whetherit´s just to experience classic songs with a death metal twist, orto hear some awesome riffs, you´ll find something to like. It´s asolid release, especially as far as cover albums go.
Track list:
1. Night Crawler-Judas Priest cover
2. Starbreaker-Judas Priest cover
3. Genocide-Judas Priest cover
4. Invader-Judas Priest cover
5. Never Satisfied-Judas Priest cover
6. Murders In The Rue Morgue-Iron Maiden cover
7. Prowler-Iron Maiden cover
8. Flash Of The Blade-Iron Maiden cover
9. The Evil That Men Do-Iron Maiden cover
10. Stranger In a Strange Land-Iron Maiden cover
11. Total Eclipse-Iron Maiden cover
Condition cover:nm
Condition vinyl: nm
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