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Officiallicensed made Irond records release in jewelcase with 1 bonus trackmade for the Baltic States, Moldova, Ukraine, Byelorussia andRussian countries

To thosewho aren’t heavily into the Nordic metal scene, the idea ofcombining metal with Scandinavian folk — be it Swedish, Norwegian,or Finnish — might seem like a cute novelty. But for the bands thathave done it well (Finland’s Finntroll is a shining example), folkmetal isn’t some empty gimmick; it is a totally legitimate part ofworld music. In the Scandinavian countries, folk metal has oftenhad a strong death metal or black metal influence. But on KorvenKuningas (which means King of the Woods in Finnish), Korpiklaani’sfolk metal is closer to thrash metal and old-school punk. ThisFinnish band’s mixture of metal and Finnish humppa rocksaggressively hard, but Korven Kuningas doesn’t have the vicious,go-for-the-jugular outlook that death metal and black metal areknown for. All of Jonne Järvelä ‘s lead vocals are clean vocals,and neither death metal’s “Cookie Monster” growl nor black metal’ssinister rasp is anywhere to be found. Actually, the songs (most ofwhich are performed in Finnish, although there are some Englishlyrics as well) are quite melodic, and Korven Kuningas — for allits thrashiness and punkiness — thrives on musicality and is nostranger to craftsmanship or nuance. On this 74-minute CD,crunching guitar and loud drums sound perfectly natural alongsideaccordions, flutes, and violins. If infectious metal/humppaofferings like “Keep on Galloping,” “Suden Joiku,” “Gods on Fire,”and “Kipumylly” sometimes remind you of Celtic music, that’s nocoincidence; many centuries ago, Scandinavian folk was a majorinfluence on Celtic culture. Therefore, if one played KorvenKuningas after listening to the punky Celtic rock of, say, thePogues, it wouldn’t be hard to note the parallels. Anyone who hasspent a lot of time savoring the infectious pleasures of Finntrollwould do well to give the rewarding Korven Kuningas an equallyclose listen.

1. Tapporauta
2. Metsamies
3. Keep On Galloping
4. Northern Fall
5. Shall We Take A Turn
6. Paljon On Koskessa Kivia
7. Ali Jaisten Vetten
8. Gods On Fire
9. Nuolet Nomalan
10. Kantaiso
11. Kipumylly
12. Suden Joiku
13. Runamoine
14. Syntykoski Syommehessain
15. Korven Kuningas

Condition cover: nm

Condition cd: nm

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Skick gradering:

M (mint)/NM (near mint) = Nyskick/Mycket bra exemplar
EX (excellent) = Mycket fin och välvårdad
VG+ (very good +) = Bra skick, normalanvänd skiva
VG (very good) = Sliten men spelar ändå bra
G (good) = Väldigt sliten skiva som kan hacka
+/- = mindre skillnader inom graderingsområdet

Varenr. 640 225 205

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Korpiklaani -Korven kuningas cd Finnish Humppa metal


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